Re: ACTION-203 : Text for transitive model

On Monday 27 May 2013 12:59:26 Shane Wiley wrote:
> I believe your text is close and covers many of the open issues we've
> been trying to resolve.  
> One disagreement and one open issue:
>    - Disagreement:  I believe if a Site has received a Site-Wide
> Exception, this should flow through the auction model as well - FOR
> THAT TRANSACTION ONLY.  For 3rd party direct exceptions (for example,
> the ad exchange receives an exception), this is not the case and I
> fully support your text in that case.    

I don't think this is a disagreement. I simply did not have that case on 
my radar. I do not object to your solution. 
>    - Open Issue:  How does a 3rd party that may have received a UGE
> (DNT:0) from a user in a separate interaction, call upon that UGE in
> an exchange transaction where they're not able to speak to the UA
> directly.  For example, Ad Server MNOP receives a web-wide UGE.  An
> ad placement auction occurs on a site that does not receive a UGE
> (DNT:1) and this is passed into the auction so bidders are
> aware.  When Ad Server MNOP bids on an ad placement on an Exchange,
> they are able to map to their own cookies and see that this user has
> granted them a UGE (DNT:0).  Is Ad Server MNOP able to override the
> auction signal of DNT:1 if they have a record they've received a UGE
> from the user just prior to that transaction (DNT:0)?  We believe
> this should be the case.

The legal eagle's solution is to look which of the statements is newer 
and more specific. As the site permissions are more specific and 
probably newer, I would think that user expectations are that this is 
honored. I see you're fighting for a missed opportunity. But I'm of the 
opinion that this tiny gain is overcompensated by people being 
frustrated as they expected their special preference (site-specific) to 
override the general preference (web wide). 

Our case was precisely to get a permission also in regulated 
environments for those not directly interacting with the user (chain). 
In your case, you can't claim your web-wide exception as you're not 
interacting with the user, thus you're only deriving permissions from 
the ones coming down the pipe (auction). And it is simply good 
engineering and legal construction that a sub-permission can't be 
greater than the initial permission.

For your edge, this is unfortunate, but it would be the most obvious 
resolution IMHO. 
> Language slightly updated to cover these two items:
> ---
> A site may request an exception for one or more third party services
> used in conjunction with its own offer. Those third party services
> may wish to use other third parties to complete the request in a
> chain of interactions. The first party will not necessarily know in
> advance whether a known third party  will use some other third
> parties.
> If a user-agent sends a tracking exception to a given combination of
> origin server and a named third party (or the named third party
> independently), the user agent will send DNT:0 to that named third
> party. By receiving the DNT:0 header, the named third party acquires
> the permission to track the user agent and collect the data and
> process it in any way allowed by the legal system it is operating
> in. 
> Furthermore, the named third party receiving the DNT:0 header acquires
> at least the right to collect data and process it for the given
> interaction and any secondary use unless it receives a DNT:1 header
> from that particular identified user agent. 
> The named third party is also allowed to transmit the collected data
> for uses related to _this_ interaction to its own sub-services and
> sub-sub-services (transitive permission). The tracking permission
> request triggered by the origin server is thus granted to the named
> third party and its sub- services. This is even true for sub-services
> that would normally receive a DNT:1 web-wide preference from the
> user-agent if the user agent would interact with this service
> directly.
> For advertisement networks this typically would mean that the
> collection and auction system chain can use the data for that
> interaction and combine it with existing profiles and data.  

> The
> sub-services to the named third party also acquire an independent
> right to process the data for independent secondary uses for that
> specific transaction if there is a site-wide exception.  

Here you blow the limitations that I thought you wanted to have. This 
would mean that not only the chain could use/track/deliver but all and 
every third party, which is totally unbound. Is this our intention? I 
think this is already a consequence of the general principles mentioned 
above in my response to the issue. It is simply not clean and leads to 
surprises IMHO. I don't think you need this edge or that it makes much 
money (for the latter, I'm not really qualified to make an assertion, 
but still) because the permission is there to deliver the ad. It simply 
doesn't augment your profile. 

> For 3rd
> party direct exceptions, this is not the case unless they have,
> themselves, requested and obtained a DNT:0 header from the user
> agent. In our example of advertisement networks that means the
> sub-services can use existing profiles in combination with the data
> received, but they cannot store the received information into a
> profile until they have received a DNT:0 by their own or the
> exception in this case is Site-Wide. A named third party  acquiring
> an exception with this mechanism MUST make sure that sub-services it
> uses acknowledge this constraint by requiring a "tl" header (5.2.3)
> from its sub-sub-services.

Received on Monday, 3 June 2013 15:36:55 UTC