Site-specific DNT:1 and expires parameter Issue-193

I do not know what issue this should go under but I am using the GC "deltas"
one for now. 


Here is text to allow UAs to optionally support site-specific DNT:1 and also
sunset revocation (in lieu of agreement on a cookie based consent mechanism
that may be better anyway). 


For para. 6.3.1  insert before "The user-agent MAY provide interfaces to the


<p>A user-agent MAY support the ability of sites to specify the value of the
DNT header sent to their third-parties. This  will enable sites to send, in
jurisdictions that require the DNT general preference to be set by default,
a DNT set status to their third-parties.</p>


<p>A user-agent MAY allow sites to specify an automatic revocation or
"sunset" period after which an exception grant will expire. On expiry, the
value of the DNT header sent to the specified third-parties will revert to a
specified default value.</p>


And here are the WebIDL additions to the dictionary parameter:


<dl class="idl" title="dictionary StoreExceptionPropertyBag">

              <dt>DOMString? domain</dt>

              <dd>Cookie-like domain string to which the exception

              <dt>DOMString? siteName</dt>

              <dd>A user-readable string for the name of the top-level

              <dt>DOMString? explanationString</dt>

              <dd>A short explanation of the request.</dd>

              <dt>DOMString? detailURI</dt>

              <dd>A location at which further information about this request
can be found.</dd>

              <dt>DOMString? valueDNT</dt>

              <dd>The value  to be encoded in the DNT header sent to the
specified targets (or all third-parties if this is a site-wide exception).
If this member is not specified the assumed value will be "0".</dd>

              <dt>long? revokePeriod</dt>

<dd>The number of milliseconds before the remembered grant expires. On
expiry the value of the DNT header sent to the specified third-parties will
revert to onRevokeDNT  or to the DNT general preference setting if this is
absent. If the revokePeriod value is 0 then the expiry duration is infinite
(the grant will not automatically expire), and this will be the default
value if the member is not specified.<dd>

<dt>DOMString? onRevokeDNT</dt>

<dd>The value to be encoded in the DNT header sent to the specified targets
(or all third-parties if this is a site-wide exception) when this grant
expires. If this member is not specified the assumed value will be the DNT
general preference. </dd>



And a paragraph to explain the precedence rules:


<p>If a document successively invokes storeSiteSpecificTrackingException
multiple times the last one will take precedence and override any grants
registered by previous calls.


Received on Wednesday, 1 May 2013 11:35:27 UTC