Details for F2F Meeting this work.


Just a couple of days until our face-to-face meeting this Thursday and Friday in Barcelona. You can find the details and agenda here:

For remote participants I will provide a Zoom login as well.

We have a very detailed plan for day 1 which is mainly about finishing work on trace context and having enough time to discuss correlation context. There will also be enough time to discuss the data interchange format.

I left day 2 open so we can adjust for the outcomes of day 1. If you have a topic you want to discuss in detail, please let me know. We will find time to fit it into the agenda.

I also ask the session owners to prepare some intro for their session to help everybody get up-to-speed and define key goals of your sessions.

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to me.

// Alois
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Received on Monday, 13 May 2019 11:34:43 UTC