[Echidna] ✗ Failure: echidna.tar

✗ Echidna failed to publish “echidna.tar”
  for the following reasons:

    The file has been retrieved.
    An error occurred while running the metadata extractor.
  👎 Error: Cannot find the <code>&lt;p id="w3c-state"&gt;</code> element for profile and date.<br><br>Please make sure the <code>&lt;p id="w3c-state"&gt;W3C @@Profile, DD Month Year&lt;/p&gt;</code> element can be selected by <code>document.getElementById('w3c-state')</code>; <br>If you are using bikeshed, please update to the latest version.

More details are available here:


If you think you found a bug, please fill in and submit this issue:


~ 11/9/2021, 10:56:57 PM

Echidna 3.1.1 (Specberus 6.0.4)
Copyright © 2014–2020 W3C — https://www.w3.org/

Received on Tuesday, 9 November 2021 22:56:59 UTC