- From: <webreq@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2018 12:05:25 +0000
- To: public-tr-notifications@w3.org
On Wed Sep 26 12:05:25 UTC 2018, the request to publish http://w3c.github.io/resource-hints/W3CTRMANIFEST failed. See details below. { "id": "24d6ebec-e860-41c1-9f63-bf62d92d09ab", "url": "http://w3c.github.io/resource-hints/W3CTRMANIFEST", "version": "1.13.4", "version-specberus": "3.9.2", "decision": "http://www.w3.org/2015/06/24-webperf-minutes.html#item01", "editorial": false, "results": { "status": "failure", "jobs": { "token-checker": { "status": "", "errors": [] }, "third-party-checker": { "status": "", "errors": [] }, "update-tr-shortlink": { "status": "", "errors": [] }, "tr-install": { "status": "", "errors": [] }, "publish": { "status": "", "errors": [] }, "metadata": { "status": "ok", "errors": [] }, "specberus": { "status": "failure", "errors": [ { "key": "error", "extra": { "line": 556, "column": 533, "message": "Element “link” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “href”, “itemprop”, “property”, “rel”, “resource”.", "link": "https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http://owl.w3.org//24d6ebec-e860-41c1-9f63-bf62d92d09ab/Overview.html" }, "type": { "name": "validation.html", "section": "format", "rule": "valideHTML" } }, { "key": "error", "extra": { "line": 556, "column": 533, "message": "A “link” element must not appear as a descendant of a “body” element unless the “link” element has an “itemprop” attribute or has a “rel” attribute whose value contains “dns-prefetch”, “pingback”, “preconnect”, “prefetch”, “preload”, “prerender”, or “stylesheet”.", "link": "https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http://owl.w3.org//24d6ebec-e860-41c1-9f63-bf62d92d09ab/Overview.html" }, "type": { "name": "validation.html", "section": "format", "rule": "valideHTML" } }, { "key": "error", "extra": { "line": 598, "column": 993, "message": "Element “link” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “href”, “itemprop”, “property”, “rel”, “resource”.", "link": "https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http://owl.w3.org//24d6ebec-e860-41c1-9f63-bf62d92d09ab/Overview.html" }, "type": { "name": "validation.html", "section": "format", "rule": "valideHTML" } }, { "key": "error", "extra": { "line": 598, "column": 993, "message": "A “link” element must not appear as a descendant of a “body” element unless the “link” element has an “itemprop” attribute or has a “rel” attribute whose value contains “dns-prefetch”, “pingback”, “preconnect”, “prefetch”, “preload”, “prerender”, or “stylesheet”.", "link": "https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http://owl.w3.org//24d6ebec-e860-41c1-9f63-bf62d92d09ab/Overview.html" }, "type": { "name": "validation.html", "section": "format", "rule": "valideHTML" } }, { "key": "error", "extra": { "line": 682, "column": 159, "message": "Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “content”, “itemprop”, “property”.", "link": "https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http://owl.w3.org//24d6ebec-e860-41c1-9f63-bf62d92d09ab/Overview.html" }, "type": { "name": "validation.html", "section": "format", "rule": "valideHTML" } }, { "key": "error", "extra": { "line": 682, "column": 326, "message": "Element “meta” is missing one or more of the following attributes: “content”, “itemprop”, “property”.", "link": "https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=http://owl.w3.org//24d6ebec-e860-41c1-9f63-bf62d92d09ab/Overview.html" }, "type": { "name": "validation.html", "section": "format", "rule": "valideHTML" } } ] }, "retrieve-resources": { "status": "ok", "errors": [] }, "transition-checker": { "status": "", "errors": [] } }, "history": [ { "time": "2018-09-26T12:05:23.551Z", "fact": "The file has been retrieved." }, { "time": "2018-09-26T12:05:24.647Z", "fact": "The metadata have been extracted." }, { "time": "2018-09-26T12:05:25.876Z", "fact": "The document failed Specberus." } ], "metadata": { "previousVersion": "https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/WD-resource-hints-20180115/", "editors": [ 56102 ], "delivererIDs": [ 45211 ], "docDate": "2018-9-26", "processRules": "https://www.w3.org/2018/Process-20180201/", "profile": "WD", "latestVersion": "https://www.w3.org/TR/resource-hints/", "editorDraft": "https://w3c.github.io/resource-hints/", "title": "Resource Hints", "thisVersion": "https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/WD-resource-hints-20180926/", "rectrack": true, "informative": false } } }
Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2018 12:05:32 UTC