Extension for schema.org/Skiresort


we were annotating the website of a tourism region with schema.org and
came across the need to annotate ski resorts. Unfortunately there was no
possibility in schema.org to annotate ski lifts and ski slopes.

So while witnessing the hottest days of summer here in Innsbruck we were
working on a rather chilly subject - the extension of
schema.org/SkiResort to annotate ski lifts and ski slopes.

Please take a look at the first draft of the documentation [1], the
extension of schema.org/SkiResort[2] (two new properties 'hasLift' and
'hasSlope'), the new class schema.org/SkiLift[3] and the new class
schema.org/SkiSlope[4]. You can also comment directly in my github
repo[5] (I did not yet make a pull request to the sdo-github project).

Thank you very much for your feedback in advance,
best regards, Elias Kärle

[1] http://sdo-skiresort.appspot.com/docs/skiresort.html
[2] http://sdo-skiresort.appspot.com/SkiResort
[3] http://sdo-skiresort.appspot.com/SkiLift
[4] http://sdo-skiresort.appspot.com/SkiSlope
[5] https://github.com/eliaskaerle/schemaorg

Elias Kärle, MSc
Semantic Technology Institute
University of Innsbruck

ICT - Technologie Park Innsbruck
2nd Floor, Room 3S02
Technikerstrasse, 21a
6020 Innsbruck

Tel.: (+43) 512 507 53738
Skype: elias.kaerle

Received on Wednesday, 20 July 2016 15:05:14 UTC