- From: Dael Jackson <daelcss@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2019 18:13:14 -0500
- To: www-style@w3.org
- Cc: public-timed-text@w3.org
========================================= These are the official CSSWG minutes. Unless you're correcting the minutes, Please respond by starting a new thread with an appropriate subject line. ========================================= Timed Text Working Group Joint Meeting -------------------------------------- - The proposal "not within an EM" for text-combine-upright and tts:textCombine for 縦中横 'tate-chu-yoko' will be raised as an issue against Writing Modes L4 with addition of examples of common problems. - It was agreed that CSS needs to solve per-character shearing for issue #2983 (Support for shearing of lines and inline elements). The block sheering is already possible, though there is a chance for improving so background is not also impacted. - The next step to getting the text-group-align property ( https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-4/#text-group-align-property ) implemented (Issue #1975) is to write tests and add images to the spec. ===== FULL MINUTES BELOW ======= Agenda: https://wiki.csswg.org/planning/tpac-2019#agenda Scribe: birtles Timed Text Working Group Joint Meeting ====================================== nigel: Hi, I'm Nigel nigel: part of this group and the timed text group nigel: there are other members of the timed text group here <nigel> -> https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/52 Joint TTWG/CSS issues nigel: I want to go through the issues in the order they're listed 縦中横/'tate-chu-yoko' extending beyond 1em ------------------------------------------ <nigel> -> https://github.com/w3c/tt-module-cjk-ext-1/issues/1 nigel: This is about text-combine-upright, tatechuyoko / 縦中横 nigel: The request was to say not to squeeze it into 1em nigel: rather to take up more than 1em nmccully: The normal way of spacing these characters is that the first two kanji should be flush nmccully: In the example on the screen, when the characters can't be included in the line height, they might be allow to intrude into the sides of the line without making the line any taller nmccully: then the line won't be any further away than it is nmccully: The other way is to scale the glyphs <fantasai> testcase: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Cp%20style%3D%22writing-mode%3A%20vertical-rl%22%3E%E4%B8%AD%3Cspan%20style%3D%22text-combine-upright%3A%20all%22%3E2222%3C%2Fspan%3E%E6%96%87%3C%2Fp%3E koji: This feature was being considered in writing modes level 3 koji: but we didn't include it because it makes it more complicated particularly when ruby is included koji: It complicates the spec and it's not clear how it should work koji: and the author can work around using inline blocks koji: The layout is slightly different from the optimized text-combine-upright but it's almost the same using an alternate flow nmccully: This is a common thing though so to reject it for the case of decoration being difficult nmccully: makes it difficult for the 80~90% case nmccully: by requiring authors to do a workaround nmccully: It seems like a lot to ask for the non-decorated case <dbaron> I'd note 民國108年 is a good real example (and common in Taiwan) for the 3-digit case. myles: Ruby has this concept of overhang too myles: and that's not controllable by css myles: Is this a similar thing that the browser should just do? fantasai: It's not a new CSS property, it's just a different way of doing text-combine florian: Is this an author choice? Or the browser does the right thing thing? fantasai: An author choice AmeliaBR: The current spec gives a limit for how many characters to combine, but then beyond that it goes to vertical, not horizontal overflow glenn: The question was "how does the author express a preference"? koji: They can currently use an inline block to do this nmccully: Can you still get the same width of the line block doing that? nmccully: or will there be some small space that messes up the layout? stantonm: There are two ways you could do it.. you could compress the font size myles: My question is this additive or a bug we're fixing? nmccully: The scaling is a less desired behavior from a typographer's point of view nmccully: we've also tried to work out what the default should be nmccully: Most of the time you see this in dates nmccully: and dates often use scaled glyphs nmccully: With variables going forward we hope font designers can be more involved with scaling glyphs so they scale well and don't disturb the line height nmccully: For the Web the preference you currently have--biasing to make everything fit--it fine nmccully: overhang is more of a print thing <fantasai> testcase: <fantasai> http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Cp%20style%3D%22writing-mode%3A%20vertical-rl%3B%20height%3A%2010em%22%3E%E4%B8%AD%3Cspan%20style%3D%22text-combine-upright%3A%20all%22%3E2222%3C%2Fspan%3E%E6%96%87%E4%B8%AD%3Cspan%20style%3D%22display%3A%20inline-block%3B%20line-height%3A%201%3B%20writing-mode%3A%20horizontal-tb%22%3E333%3C%2Fspan%3E%E6%96%87%3C%2Fp%3E AmeliaBR: This suggested layout is going to affect your line-spacing? fantasai: Because it's an inline block it doesn't include the extra line-spacing so it might fit within the line height nmccully: So this shows it is possible in the browser florian: This example doesn't show where ruby goes pal: Not scaling is very common practice pal: In 100% of Japanese subtitles it doesn't scale fantasai: One of the bad things about this is text-emphasis doesn't work how you would want with the inline-block approach koji: This is not too rare in publishing koji: Compression doesn't give good glyph shapes koji: Some authors prefer not to compress koji: In a single page, authors don't compress koji: but when the text has ruby or decorations, that do compress koji: if they don't have decorations, they use inline-block, otherwise they use text-combine <dbaron> I wonder if that underline behavior is just the result of text-decoration-skip-ink <heycam> with text-emphasis and text-decoration: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Cp%20style%3D%22writing-mode%3A%20vertical-rl%3B%20height%3A%2010em%22%3E%E4%B8%AD%3Cspan%20style%3D%22text-combine-upright%3A%20all%22%3E2222%3C%2Fspan%3E%E6%96%87%E4%B8%AD%3Cspan%20style%3D%22display%3A%20inline-block%3B%20line-height%3A%201%3B%20writing-mode%3A%20horizontal-tb%22%3E333%3C%2Fspan%3E%E6%96%87%3C%2Fp%3E pal: I'd like an action item / next steps AmeliaBR: File an issue on the CSS repo fantasai: Against writing modes level 4 nigel: Also an action to go back to reporter and suggest the best practice we discussed pal: text-combine-upright covers 0% of use cases within the domain of subtitling florian: An inline block is a reasonable thing to use when you don't need emphasis, but if we put something in the spec, we need it to work in all cases AmeliaBR: If you can get pictures of actual typography that does those things, that would be wonderful pal: So ruby, emphasis on both sides florian: Maybe background colors iank: Does it contribute to the scrollable overflow? myles: I think CSS should have facilities for this <AmeliaBR> Agree that the basic feature request, for a new text-combine-upright value for a common typographic pattern, is strong nigel: Moving on to issue 2983 Support for shearing of lines and inline elements ------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2983 nigel: this is about CJK and supporting shearing pal: Today there's the ability to specify slant on individual characters using oblique pal: or italic pal: Sometimes it's useful to apply shear not on character-by-character but entire line pal: That's desirable to apply alignment between ruby and base text pal: It's subtle but really matters to folks that care pal: Separate issue about whether or not we should be able to specify the angle of shear per-character pal: Issue here is applying by the whole line nmccully: In print, it's not keeping the height/width of the line when you shear it nmccully: You change the shape of the box of each character to a diamond nmccully: It's call shatai in Japanese nmccully: In subtitles has it become just a shear? <myles> https://helpx.adobe.com/ch_fr/indesign/using/formatting-cjk-characters.html <myles> this is what Nat is talking about pal: It seems to be just a one-dimensional thing in subtitles pal: Not sure if it's an artistic desire or technical limitation koji: The difference here is a position of the ruby, right? pal: Yes koji: I'm not sure about this use case, but for me changing the position of the ruby looks strange to me koji: shearing the individual characters looks better to me pal: On the thread some others seem to prefer shearing the whole line fantasai: For print we know they want the per-character approach fantasai: So I suggest we propose that and take that to the subtitle group and see if that is acceptable fantasai: It's possible that the request here for shearing the whole inline-block is just coming from technical limitations pal: I like the idea of going back and asking questions pal: but the issue opened against ttml was specifically about not being able to shear the whole block fantasai: I thought the problem was that italics shears in the wrong direction. [This would need to be a separate feature from italics/oblique.] koji: Can you point to specific individual / issue so I can follow up koji: I can't see any ruby in that issue <Rossen> https://w3c.github.io/ttml2/index.html#style-attribute-shear <pal> https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/784 <AmeliaBR> text-combine-upright does look bad with individual character shear: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/784#issuecomment-390856934 florian: You said we want to shear the entire line OR paragraph florian: these are two things florian: For the second option, CSS transforms will do it pal: ttml can do all three: character, line, paragraph <pal> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2983 florian: The difference with ruby is more subtle florian: but the text combine upright case is more obviously different pal: The issue in 2983 shows a good example pal: 2983 ends with a question I asked myles: Any proposal for how the author would describe to the browser the effect they desire pal: Yes there is a proposal there myles: So a new property? myles: Has anyone considered re-purposing the new syntax for font-style to describe the shearing? glenn: No I have not glenn: We introduced three new properties: shear (block), line-shear (per-line including tatechuuyoko), font-shear (glyph box by glyph box) myles: One option would be to have font-style: oblique -14deg does shear myles: and if it looks bad it's a browser bug fantasai: I don't think it will look good if there is Latin text involved myles: There's an issue in the agenda for that later today fantasai: I don't think we can mix this with the oblique/italic feature nmccully: It's complicated to have these different properties, but I agree with fantasai's desire to have a separate feature for this nmccully: to say I want to shear these things correctly, and provide an angle, and let the UA decide how to do it (especially for mixed text) koji: I agree with myles and don't understand why specifying an angle doesn't work nigel: You're asking a lot of the implementation and reducing authoring flexibility koji: What exactly doesn't work? myles: My proposal is that the font-style property does more than just font selection myles: It does font selection as it does today and also does the transform as necessary pal: The way this was explained to me is that the desired effect was literally just shearing koji: We understand, but the point is there are other glyph shearing use cases koji: that is what myles is proposing pal: We need to understand three distinct use cases: per block, per line, per character koji: We have per block already, myles is proposing per-character koji: We are wondering what is needed for line shearing fantasai: This example on the screen shows why we can't cover the line case with the same per-glyph approach fantasai: The characters all shear in different directions when using font-style: oblique [example includes mixed CJK and vertical and horizontal latin] myles: Yes, we want to discuss this later today <AmeliaBR> +1 for keeping this logically separate; too confusing when mixing latin and upright scripts nigel: I think we've understood the use case better, any proposal action? fantasai: CSS definitely needs to solve the per-character shearing fantasai: block shearing is solved fantasai: Open question about if more is needed for line-shearing pal: For block shearing, transform shears the background too. Is that ok? AmeliaBR: You need a wrapper element if you want to avoid that pal: Does the size change too for the block too? pal: It doesn't so it extends beyond the background pal: Any chance of a shear property that affects block size? myles: Transforms that affect layout? pal: Yes AmeliaBR: It could be a dedicated block shear property florian: The general solution for transforms that affect layout is hard florian: A limited use case could be ok pal: Just reacting to the idea that block shearing is solved Aligning an aligned block of text within its container ------------------------------------------------------ github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1975 nigel: Action was with us to check that the draft spec text was ok <AmeliaBR> draft spec: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-4/#text-group-align-property pal: I haven't had a chance to look. What's the right way to test it? nigel: There's draft spec, but no tests nigel: What is the best thing is to do to create those tests nigel: We don't have any perspective on implementation florian: It's not implemented. fantasai: To get it implemented, write tests and either convince browsers to implement it, hire Igalia to do it, or implement it yourself florian: As far as the WG is concerned, if the spec is done, there's not much more we can do AmeliaBR: It would be great to have pictures in the spec AmeliaBR: If you are keen on the feature, adding pictures and use cases would help convince implementers it's useful pal: So create a new PR with examples? all: Yes Images with layout information ------------------------------ github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4116 myles: When we discussed this, we talked about annotating images with baseline information myles: Is there an image format for subtitles? nigel: Same image formats as elsewhere Visually hiding an element while making it available for AT ----------------------------------------------------------- github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/560 nigel: This comes up a lot in subtitles and captions nigel: The desire to be able to make text available to the screenreader while not visually displaying it nigel: this is particularly important for subtitles because there is a video behind it which might be showing text, for example nigel: so we don't need a subtitle necessarily but we want to expose it to a screenreader nigel: There are hacks to do this nigel: perhaps a display property value fantasai: This exists in the speech module level 1 fantasai: Property is speak fantasai: Initial is 'auto' which defers to display fantasai: but not implemented it fantasai: other values are 'never' and 'always' AmeliaBR: display: none has so many other affects other than just hiding fantasai: We have a spec but no one is interested in implementing it nigel: The request is not to speak it nigel: It is to make it visible to the screenreader nigel: It might be presenting it in some other way AmeliaBR: braille display etc. Rossen: you can use visibility: hidden Rossen: and refer to it via aria-description etc. AmeliaBR: As the label of a different element nigel: If you're just labeling an element then the screenreader might just read that once nigel: but this is an element whose contents is live nigel: It needs to read it when it changes AmeliaBR: There are many demands this feature beyond the captioning use case AmeliaBR: I'm sure the accessibility people who come in after the break would be happy to talk about it nigel: Perhaps we can cover it in that session
Received on Tuesday, 3 December 2019 23:14:09 UTC