Re: Weekly Update

My expectation is that not all specs have a test suite that proves it
covers all lines of the spec, so therefore this would be a good report
to have when going from Candidate Recommendation (CR) to Proposed
Recommendation (PR), see

Also, if continued development of the spec could cause an update to
that report file, so it would basically alert when spec coverage
decreases, that would be a useful tool to have.

Just my 2c worth.


On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 8:17 PM, Benjamin Schaaf <> wrote:
> Hello Silvia,
> That tool simply does normal test coverage on a 1:1 translation of the
> file-parsing section of the spec to python.
> The purpose of that tool is to ensure every part of the file-parsing
> section of the spec is touched by the tests,
> which after the pull request was merged it was.
> The file-parsing tests should always have 100% coverage, so I don't
> think there's much of a point of hosting the report file.
> Thanks,
> Benjamin
> On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 8:04 PM, Silvia Pfeiffer
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Ben,
>> Thanks for these updates - I think they're really useful to keep us informed.
>> You mentioned a tool that can show test coverage at some point also.
>> Is the output of that tool available somewhere online?
>> I think it would be a useful piece of information to point towards for
>> moving the spec forward.
>> Thanks,
>> Silvia.
>> On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 7:56 PM, Benjamin Schaaf <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> This is the 5th weekly update for my progress on the webvtt tests.
>>> My next semester of university has started, so I'm transitioning from
>>> full time to part time work.
>>> This means progress should slow down slightly, but I'm hoping to make
>>> up for it with a now deeper understanding of the codebase.
>>> has been merged,
>>> meaning file parsing tests are complete
>>> I've created a pull request for updating the included vtt file parser
>>> in the tests for a incoming spec change:
>>> I'm also close to completing a tool that automatically categorizes
>>> test results from a json result dump, along with categorizing all the
>>> current tests.
>>> I expect to be done with that tool by the end of the week.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Benjamin Schaaf

Received on Monday, 13 March 2017 09:31:09 UTC