Weekly Update


This is the 3rd weekly update.
https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/4921 has been merged,
including tests for the VTTRegion API.
This means the API section of the spec now has full test coverage.
I've also been working extensively on the parsing tests.
I've written a proper format (including a builder written in python)
used for generating tests for vtt file parsing.
I've also written a tool for analysing test spec coverage using the
spec compliant parser I mentioned previously.
I'm currently in the process of converting the current file-parsing
tests to the new format.
You can see my committed progress here:
After converting the current tests I will write tests to get spec
coverage up to 100%.
I expect the pull request for parsing to be completed late next week.

If you have any question and/or want me to go into greater detail for
any of these, feel free to ask :)


Received on Friday, 24 February 2017 14:15:32 UTC