Hi David,
On 24 Feb 2015 06:46, "David Singer" <singer@apple.com> wrote:
> > On Feb 21, 2015, at 23:10 , Silvia Pfeiffer <silviapfeiffer1@gmail.com>
> >
> > Note that I have made a new suggestion as to how to deal with inline
> > styles in VTT.
> > https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=15023#c15
> >
> > If that is agreeable and it is a requirement to be added before we go
> > to CR, I can write the spec for that (assuming Philip agrees with the
> > proposed approach).
> we had a long discussion on this several years back. I’ll try to
resurrect the questions
> 1) can new styles occur only in the header, or throughout the file?
> I commented on the bug: currently VTT files are beautifully incremental
and random accessible; allowing styles to occur anywhere and persist to end
of file would badly impact that. Can we do the 90%+ case and have styles
only at the beginning, please? I don’t mind if they are ‘part of’ the
header or just after it and before the first cue.
The advantage of making this a block is that we can define both types. If
the block is used at the beginning, it is valid for the whole file. If the
block appears at a later stage, it replaces the previous definitions (or
just adds to them). We could even make style blocks that are valid for a
certain time interval, just like cues. I'd regard that as a v2 feature, but
it's certainly easier to add than extending a metadata header.
> 2) What about multi-line? We either need a syntax that allows blank
lines, or an escape for them. Years back, we suggested escape. But
removing blank lines is as easy as escaping them, and has the huge
advantage that the result is still valid CSS.
Philip asked about multi line in the bug too. With a block, multi line
comes naturally. Blank lines could then either be removed or replaced by a
control character. We don't have to come up with special cases for multi
line if we choose a block. It's another advantage over the meta header.
> What other basic design choices are there, that we could debate?
That's it really. Let me know what you think.