Re: WebVTT Spec Question

On 13-03-08 12:28 PM, David Ronca wrote:

> That is, there can be many lines of header until there are 2 successive
> empty lines

I believe the intent here is to leave room for metadata and additional
headers, to be defined later.

> Any thoughts on the correct way to interpret this [possible] conflict?

The two sections you describe are documenting two different things. The
first is the guidelines for webvtt producers, the second is the parsing
algorithm for consumers. As such they don't have a strictly agree. The
parser must produce correct output when the authoring guidelines are
followed, but there's a lot of room between that and describing how to
handle files which don't follow the guidelines.

We think we might want some metadata lines as part of the header, so we
make sure the parser will ignore them if they're added later. But since
we haven't agree what they should actually be, the spec doesn't
otherwise describe them.


Received on Friday, 8 March 2013 20:55:55 UTC