Re: Metadata in the VTT file header (bug 15851), use cases (and a need to close this)

On Fri, 31 Aug 2012 01:37:59 +0200, Glenn Maynard <> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 5:06 AM, Simon Pieters <> wrote:
>> language: fr
>> kind: subtitles
>> #foo { color:green }
>> i { font-family:serif }
> How does this represent blank lines?  Editing software should allow  
> people
> to paste in CSS, and when they come back to it later, show the original
> text they entered in its original format, without blank lines stripped.

The proposed pipe-dot-backslash-and-entity-escaped syntax doesn't handle  
that, either, AFAICT. It requires that you change all blank lines to lines  
with a backslash (or remove the blank lines). In the syntax above, it  
would require you to remove all blank lines.

> I believe the point of the "-->" special case (parser step 14) is to
> tolerate when people omit the post-header blank line, eg.
> 00.000 --> 05.000
> ...

It was added to the spec because I found by researching SRT that people  
often forget a blank line *between* cues. It has not been shown that the  
above pattern is a common one (since SRT doesn't have a header). I can  
imagine that the above will be common for WebVTT, though. It doesn't  
necessarily follow that it will be common to forget a blank line between a  
multiline metadata value and the following cue.

> Language: en
> 00.000 --> 05.000
> ...
> would see the "-->" and break out, but
> Style: |
> .stuff::after { content: "john went --> home"; }
> .

('content' isn't on the list of supported CSS properties for WebVTT, FWIW.)

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Friday, 31 August 2012 07:53:48 UTC