[TestTWF Seoul] Photos & quick report

Hi all,

Here are some photos taken by Jonathan Jeon from Test The Web Forward in
Seoul last weekend:

We had a good turnout at the Ritz-Carlton hotel (lovely food!)
for talks and preparation on Friday evening, then a day of coding on
Saturday. It was the first TestTWF in Seoul so several people needed
help with the concept and setting up Git and the test repository.

We also had a video link with Tokyo (WebRTC, of course!) as they held
their third TestTWF which added to the fun. The Tokyo crew concentrated
on CSS text decoration, HTML ruby and shadow DOM.

AT&T also joined in the video chat from the USA on Saturday morning.

In Seoul, the attendees were divided into three groups:
* Accessibility (Shadi was there for guidance)

During the Saturday I saw people working on the following areas:
* Browser Context
* Custom Elements (Web Components)
* HTML Import (Web Components)
* Text Track
* Web Crypto API

Despite some initial confusion about W3C specs and what to work on,
there was a positive attitude and good cooperation between experts and
newbies among the tables. Sangwhan was particularly noticeable for his
technical help while wearing a teddy bear costume!

There's a core group of friendly, enthusiastic "open webbers" in Seoul
so I'm hopeful this will not be the last TestTWF there.


Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2014 01:49:40 UTC