Re: Remote participation at TTWF Seoul?

Hi again Bryan,

I'm still waiting for confirmation from the organisers but I'm expecting
to have a spare laptop and projector that we'll keep running on Saturday
for remote participants.

= Progress =
* I'm having a test today with the Tokyo organisers for WebRTC video
chat. If it looks OK I can send you the URL. If not, maybe Skype/Zakim
can be a fallback.
* We can use a channel on the W3C IRC chat server, say #ttwf (or is
there a channel you've previously used)?
* I'll try to get the slides from the presenters later today (Korean
time) and send them to you.

= Timing =
== Seoul [1] ==
Talks & preparation: Friday from 4:45 pm Korean time (From 12:45 am PST)
Test writing: Saturday from 10:00 am Korean time (From 6:00 pm PST)

== Tokyo [2] ==
Talks & preparation: Saturday from 10:00 am Japan time (From 6:00 pm PST)
Test writing: Saturday from 1:00 pm Japan time (From 9:00 pm PST)

Please let me know if there's anything else I can do.  Also please note
I have to leave after lunch (Korean time) on Saturday to catch my
flight, but somebody will take over from me.



On 01/04/14 22:57, Daniel Davis wrote:
> Hi Bryan,
> Thank you very much for suggesting this and offering to help.
> I've forwarded it to one of the organisers to hopefully make it a
> reality. There's also due to be a link-up with a smaller TTWF meetup in
> Tokyo at the same time, so I wondered whether we could put both remote
> groups in a single call, e.g. with something like
> Anyway, I'll wait to hear back from the organisers.
> With regards,
> Daniel
> On 29/03/14 02:13, SULLIVAN, BRYAN L wrote:
>> Hi Jonathan and Daniel,
>> We are starting to build an internal community to support TTWF, and
>> would like to see if there are any remote participation options for the
>> upcoming event in Seoul. Here is what we were thinking about:
>> ·         Minimally, participating via IRC with a US-local conference
>> bridge for remote attendees
>> o   For desktop conferencing and audio we will use our AT&T Connect
>> system (no logistical overhead for W3C)
>> o   We will act as a  “virtual table” at the event, with one or more
>> lead “shepherds” as in the real event
>> o   We will define a particular focus for our participation e.g. Web&TV,
>> WebMob, WebRTC use cases as is our priority
>> o   We will ask questions via IRC if someone can repeat them for us at
>> the event presentation sessions
>> ·         Optimally, a 1-way audio feed from the presentation sessions
>> and pre-publication of the slides (or last-minute delivery to us, so we
>> can follow along without a desktop conferencing link)
>> o   To avoid the cost/complication of connecting up to the site’s phone
>> system (if an issue), this can be as simple as a Skype-enabled device,
>> e.g. iPad, sitting on the stage and picking up the stage audio, and
>> connected to a Zakim over VOIP. This method has worked quite well for me
>> in the past.
>> ·         The dream: two-way audio and one-way video during the
>> presentation sessions
>> Bin is putting together training materials etc for us covering the whole
>> range of why and how internal orgs should get engaged with TTWF, and I
>> think this will be useful to other large companies that might want to
>> replicate this strategy promoting internal engagement. A key aspect will
>> be how to optimize costs and keep people engaged remotely in as many
>> public events as possible, beyond the internal events we plan to organize.
>> Looking forward to any clarification on possibility/options for the
>> goals above.
>> Thanks,
>> Bryan Sullivan | Service Standards | AT&T

Received on Friday, 11 April 2014 01:59:45 UTC