Re: Specifying code review notifications


So I'm a bit late to the party, here. Apologies.

A couple of thoughts:

a) Last time I looked, GH required reviewers to be collaborators, which
is why Ganesh checks this and lazily assigns read privileges to folks in
OWNERS file which aren't (yet) collaborators when there's a new PR.

If this is still the case, handing back control of adding reviewers to
GitHub means that Ganesh will no longer be able to lazily add reviewers
when a PR is created. Instead, Ganesh will have to monitor every merge
for changes to OWNERS file, and give read privileges then. This probably
implies new GH hooks and definitely some extra bits of code.

b) Ganesh adds labels to pull requests which don't have owners, and
points the OP to irc via a comment. Is this still necessary? 

Unless I can get rid of both (a) and (b) requirements, I can't remove
more than 9 LoC from Ganesh. If (a) is necessary, that actually implies
adding more code.

TL;DR: imho, we can't both keep feature parity and simplify Ganesh given
the current GH CODEOWNERS implementation.



Received on Monday, 31 July 2017 12:20:03 UTC