Re: Tentative tests.

On 23/05/17 16:14, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 3:10 PM, Mike West <> wrote:
>> 1.  Put the tests in a new file with a `-tentative.*` suffix (e.g.
>> `//content-security-policy/script-src/new-test-tentative.sub.html`).
> This doesn't mix with -manual. Not sure if that's a problem, but
> dot-delimiting might also be okay?

Oh yeah, if this is a flag rather than a test type it should involve dots.

>> 2.  Put the tests in a `tentative` subdirectory of an existing suite (e.g.
>> `//content-security-policy/tentative/new-script-src-test.sub.html`).
> We don't assign meaning to directories elsewhere other than informally
> "resources" / "support". At least, as far as I know. I think I'd
> prefer just the one convention.

Not quite; we assign meaning to directories called conformance, support, 
and tools to mean that files therein aren't tests. We do also assign 
some meaning to reference and reftest as directory names and to the top 
level webdriver directory.

Received on Tuesday, 23 May 2017 15:23:35 UTC