Need help with review - TTWF event in 3 days is at stake.

If you are an authorized web-platform-tests reviewer, PLEASE help me out.

When I announced 6 weeks ago on this list that I was organizing a Test
the Web Forward event for Content Security Policy, I was strongly
encouraged to abandon the existing test suite and volunteer dev
environment that used PHP on AWS in favor of wptserve.

I expressed reservations about the timing of such a change, but agreed
because it seemed like "the right thing to do".

I threw away months of work, learned a new framework and language,
figured out how to do what I needed, worked through broken and missing
documentation and submitted feature requests (thanks, James!) and
patches to the framework itself.  That took 4 weeks.  Then I submitted
some actual tests.

Its now 3 days until the event, and I haven't been able to land those
tests - they are stuck in review and the dozen volunteers I have
coming to dedicate a summer weekend to work on the test suite have no
example code.

One of the reasons I agreed to switch is the promise that code reviews
would be easier with safe, static HTML and JS as opposed to the
all-PHP environment the earlier test suite was using.

Well, my PR has exactly 26 lines of elementary Python.  I've spent the
last week submitting over a dozen commits to fix issues raised on
things like equivalent API style choices, insignificant whiitespace in
HTML README files, and uninformed commentary on how to interpret my
group's own spec's coding advice in the same.


I've worked on this event for months, I have a dozen people showing
up, sponsors have spent hundreds of dollars to support it, and I just
need to land a tiny bit of code.


HELP ME OUT.  Do it for the sake of the volunteers coming.  Don't make
me re-write all the Github and contributing documentation on the TTWF
website just for this event and make people work off a branch in my
fork and have to explain why its impossible to land your
contributions.  That's not how you build a sustainable community of

I've been the only one working on this spec's test suite for two years
now, I'm right on the verge of expanding that community after hundreds
of hours of work, and it's all about to fall apart because I tried to
do the right thing and use the new test framework.  Please don't make
me regret it.

thank you,

Brad Hill

Received on Thursday, 31 July 2014 20:35:13 UTC