Re: Removing unused files under /tools

On 28/04/14 16:19, Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
> I note that it is now mid-May :)

Besides the question from Erika that Robin addressed, I didn't see any
reaction or concern.

To complete the answer from Robin on coverage, I would add that the
current thinking is to use a combination of techniques to establish the
coverage, such as:
1- what amount of the browser code isn't triggered by the tests?
2- how many tests do we have for each html element, DOM function, etc?
3- Use metadata that comes on top of WPT

For 1, we would need to get the information from the browser vednors

For 2, the difficulty is to figure what the scripts are doing in the

For 3, there is a high cost maintenance and I think we would need to
figure the purpose and value of the information first before investing
in it.

At best, all those methods would be used to get us closer to a valuable
answer. Other ideas to establishing the coverage without paying a cost
maintenance are welcome.


Received on Tuesday, 20 May 2014 03:41:52 UTC