Agenda for the WebDriver meeting in London, January 11th


It's just a few days left until the first meeting in the Browser
Testing and Tools Working Group, taking place in London on January
11th. I'm looking forward to see several of you there. (c:

Below is a proposed agenda and some practical details.

We meet at the Google office at Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham
Palace Road, London SW1W 9TQ, United Kingdom, at 10:00 local
time. A map is available here:

(Thanks to our friends at Google for hosting!)

The main topic of the meeting is the WebDriver specification. A
very rough and early draft can be found here:

Please make yourself familiar with the draft before we meet.

On the agenda for the day is:

  10:15 - Introductions
  10:30 - How does the W3C standardization process actually
          work? (Wilhelm Joys Andersen)
  10:45 - A quick walkthrough of the draft spec (Simon Stewart)
  11:00 - Break
  11:10 - Discussions

I have deliberately avoided planning the spec discussions in great
detail. The questions we need to discuss include, but are not limited
to, the following:

  * What should be specified, and what should be left up to

  * Does the outline of the draft spec look alright? Is there
    anything fundamental we've forgotten?

  * What are our currently open issues? Where do implementations
    disagree? How do we resolve that?

  * Are there any sections we can delegate? Would you be able to
    draft a chapter or paragraph?

  * What will our official test suite consist of, and who will
    lead the work?

  * Are there other organizations we wish to bring to the table
    for the future work?

We'll have lunch together during the day, and aim for ending the
meeting at 16:30. If we manage to rush through the questions above,
we'll spend the remaining time doing real work - writing and
reviewing spec prose and tests.

If you get lost, can't find the venue, or for any other reason
need to get in contact with me, feel free to call me at
(+47) 97723641 or ping me at IRC (wilhelm @ freenode and

If you have any suggested additions or changes to the agenda,
feel free to either prod me directly or send a reply to this list.

Wilhelm Joys Andersen

Received on Monday, 9 January 2012 02:39:55 UTC