Re: next meeting on 22 April - save the date

I’ll try to attend the meeting, but just a note that while the proposal for added TDM Rep to PDF, via XMP, is perfectly reasonable….the PDF standardization bodies – the PDF Association and ISO TC 171/SC 2 - are *NOT* in alignment with this approach for “opt-out” of training, data mining or AI training.


From: Giulia Marangoni <>
Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 6:54 AM
To: <>
Subject: next meeting on 22 April - save the date

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Dear members of the W3C CG TDM Rep,

Please save the date of our next meeting: April 22, 17.00 CEST (15.00 UTC).

The meeting will be devoted to the presentation of the last developments of the TDMRep protocol:

  *   Specifications for embedding TDM Rep in PDF metadata, developed by the STM Article 4 Working Group
  *   Specifications for embedding TDM Rep in EPUB 2 files (this updated has been done to facilitate the application of the protocol to backlist titles)

In view of the meeting, you can have a preview of the updated specifications here:
You can post your feedback either on this mailing list or, even better, on github: TDM Reservation for PDF files · Issue #41 · w3c/tdm-reservation-protocol · GitHub<>

Here are the connection details for the meeting:

Zoom URL (always the same):

ID: 937 5664 7259
Code: 476260

All the best,
Giulia and Laurent

Giulia Marangoni
Ufficio rapporti istituzionali e legislativo
AIE – Associazione Italiana Editori
Corso di Porta Romana n.108
20122 Milan, Italy
Tel. +390289280828<>


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Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2024 14:36:01 UTC