minutes and action points from 26/07 meeting

Dear All,
Please find below the minutes and action points from our meeting on 26 July. We'll reconvene our group in September;  should you have feedback on any action point before then, don't hesitate to come back to us! Best, Giulia and Laurent.
Update on meetings and presentations of the TDM protocol
Giulia updated the CG on recent activities. On 5th June a webinar on the protocol and how to implement it was organized by FEP and EDRLab and delivered to EU publishers; more than 70 publishers attended, and positive feedback was received.
On July 11th, in Bruxelles, the TDM protocol was presented by AIE at "Seminar on best practices for opting-out of generative ML training", organised by Open Future. AIE and FEP attended the event, which was an occasion to exchange with organisations representing other rightsholders in the content industry, the EC Commission, AI experts and other projects/initiatives offering solutions for machine readable opt-out, namely the C2PA coalition and Spawning. The latter integrates different opt-out methods in order to provide a service to AI companies that, given a URL in input, can check if there is an opt-out associated to the resource that AI players intend to use.
Collaboration with Spawning
After some exchanges, Spawning has already integrated the opt-out solution developed by the TDM Rep CG in their service, and they are open to collaborate further with the CG.
Discussion on possible developments of the protocol
Laurent presented an overview of the different initiatives for opting-out solutions who are in touch with the CG. Some of them are media-specific (like the ones by IPTC and C2PA) and provide solutions at content metadata level, other like Spawning(and the TDM protocol) are applicable to any content type, at URL level. Even though different solutions (content specific and not-content specific) are complementary and can coexists in line with the different standards and practices in the content industry, there are significant differences in the semantic approach adopted by IPTC and C2PA on one hand, and the TDM REP on the other: in particular, the different solutions reflect different views on whether the TDM concept would cover all/some AI usages, and whether indexing by search engines could be part of the opt-out. Such discrepancies are partly due to the different legal frameworks (US vs. EU) where such initiatives were developed.
Considering the rapid evolution of AI applications, the ongoing discussion in the creative industries on rights reservation and licensing for AI, the CG agreed to continue to monitor the situation and exchange with the other initiatives in this field before taking any decision on possible refinement of the protocol with new properties or values.
In the short term, it was agreed that:

  *   the CG will check if the semantic of the protocol can be further clarified at specifications level, so that to prevent any ambiguity and facilitate interoperability among different solutions.
  *   the CG will work at FAQ for non techies that will further clarify the meaning of the TDM opt-out in light of the EU legal framework and will provide practical insight to the adopters on how to implement it in the context of AI.
Implementation in EPUB files
Given the increasing interest by the publishing sector - including, among GC members, Mondadori, Penguin Random House, the STM association - for the integration of the TDM protocol in EPUB files, it was agreed that the CG will liaise with the W3C Publishing Community Group and the Publishing Business Group, which follow EPUB related developments, via EDRLab (who is member of both groups). Particularly, it was agreed that:
---> on behalf of the CG, Laurent will send to the Publishing Business Group a proposal to be discussed in occasion of their next meeting in September;
--> should CG members have views or suggestions on the integration on TDM Rep in the EPUB, they are recommended to share them within our CG mailing list (public-tdmrep@w3.org<mailto:public-tdmrep@w3.org>) at their earliest convenience, so that they can be taken into account in the framework of the collaboration with the W3C Publishing Business and Community Groups
Other activities
---> FAQ for non tech users: the group agreed to work on FAQ; for more details see above;
---> Keeping track of early adopters: group members are invited to share on the CG mailing list (public-tdmrep@w3.org<mailto:public-tdmrep@w3.org>) information about new adopters of the protocol. The list of the early adopted will be publicized on the website of the CG, in order to give visibility to it. Early adopters are also encouraged to publicize the adoption of the protocol on their own website and contents.

Giulia Marangoni
Ufficio rapporti istituzionali e legislativo
AIE - Associazione Italiana Editori
Corso di Porta Romana n.108
20122 Milan, Italy
Tel. +390289280828


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Received on Friday, 28 July 2023 11:39:35 UTC