- From: Edward Hasbrouck <ehasbrouck@nwu.org>
- Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 17:34:10 -0700
- To: public-tdmrep@w3.org
Participants in this discussion may be interested in this joint public statement issued by 24 organizations of creators of copyrighted works: Statement: https://nwu.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/creators-coalition-AI-exceptions.pdf Blog post from the National Writers Union (NWU): https://nwu.org/creators-call-for-action-on-ai-copyright-exceptions/ The statement discusses the proposed "tdmrep" protocol. But much of the analysis of the "tdmrep" proposal applies to other proposed or potential TDM rights reservation proptocols, at least as applied to AI development. Sincerely, Edward Hasbrouck ---------------- Edward Hasbrouck <ehasbrouck@nwu.org> +1-415-824-0214 (San Francisco) National Writers Union https://nwu.org +1-212-254-0279 (New York)
Received on Friday, 14 July 2023 16:34:23 UTC