Re: Initiating contact -

Sorry if "pretend" is inflammatory in English. Please replace by "take for granted" or "consider". 

Best regards

> Le 3 août 2023 à 18:24, Leonard Rosenthol <> a écrit :
> > Therefore opting out from TDM implies opting out from AI training.
> >Other initiatives (C2PA) pretend that this is not the case, and opting-out from AI must be done separately from opting out from TDM.
> > 
> Laurent – I will take the above inflammatory word choice “pretend” in your comment as simply a translation error on your part and not actually meant to denigrate other efforts in the field.
> To your point, as we have previously discussed, the decisions of the C2PA with respect to the different options in our “Training and Data Mining” assertion are based on input from our members who are from many different jurisdictions around the world.  Their recommendations based on legislative works as well as technical understandings of how both AI and “data mining” solutions work guided our choices. 
> Leonard

Received on Thursday, 3 August 2023 16:28:32 UTC