Re: Minutes, May 4th, 2021 [via TDM Reservation Protocol Community Group]

Hi all, sorry that I couldn't make it today. We have our member meeting
next week and I'm pretty busy getting things finalised.

Is there anything I can help with before the next meeting?

Best regards,


On Tue, 4 May 2021 at 20:21, W3C Community Development Team <> wrote:

> Status:
> In previous meetings, the group has worked on what TDM means in practice,
> the vocabulary to be used during the project, the goals and requirements
> for a technical solution, the creation of several use cases. They have also
> compiled a set of past and existing initiatives with a similar scope.
> Then, the group discussed on how rightsholders can declare to TDM Agents
> the reservation of TDM Rights. Three different technical solutions were
> selected: one based on http headers, another based on a file hosted on the
> origin server, and a third based on html meta tags. These three solutions
> correspond to different situations and technical skills. The priority in
> which these techniques should be processed by TDM Agents is still to be
> decided.
> Using one of these techniques, a rightsholder can express either that "TDM
> rights are not reserved", "TDM rights are reserved" or "TDM rights are
> reserved but a TDM license can be acquired".
> In the latter case, it is interesting for both parties (rightsholder and
> TDM Actor) to create a machine readable TDM policy which details in which
> conditions a TDM license can be acquired.
> The group is therefore now defining the model of such TDM policy.
> Participants: Aziz Ndao, Tzviya, Leonard, Jean-Baptiste, Giulia, Laurent,
> Carlo Lavizzari, Mathilde
> Agenda: discuss the draft of TDM Policy properties
> The TDM Policy is currently drafted in a shared GDoc. No serialization
> format is chosen so far, but ODRL 2 is the best candidate so far.
> The discussion focuses on some properties:
> Content identifier.STM is using DOI
> We may decide that it takes the form of a URI, depending the serialization
> format.
> But using this content id forbids using the same policy for N resources:
> this is a big issue.
> Rightsholder name & contact info We could add a rightsholder identifier.
> Rights reservation (values are no, yes, yes + a TDM policy)if a TDM agent
> has reached this policy, this is because the rights reservation value is
> "yes". This value will always be "yes", therefore its use if not obvious.
> "where" property: this is initially meant to express "EU" vs "non-EU". The
> EU Directive already sets rules about TDM policies in the EU for research
> purpose, therefore no TDM policy defined by a rightsholder is applicable to
> "research" in the "EU".
> Participants are wondering if going to this level of details in the policy
> is useful.
> Both "where" and "when" are at the same conceptual level: either both are
> present or both absent from the TDM policy model.
> ----------
> This post sent on TDM Reservation Protocol Community Group
> 'Minutes, May 4th, 2021'
> Learn more about the TDM Reservation Protocol Community Group:

Received on Tuesday, 4 May 2021 20:04:42 UTC