Re: Workshop: Study on Copyright and New Technologies

Thanks for the link Leonard, 

When it comes to license policies, we get close to copyright metadata. 

As Piero Attanasio from AIE will be part of this event, maybe Giulia can give us more details about the way AIE sees the potential intersection between our work and "Established and emerging standards" in the copyrights metadata domain. 

Best regards

> Le 17 juin 2021 à 13:58, Leonard Rosenthol <> a écrit :
> <>
> While we have primarily focused on mining of *content*, there are other groups focused on addressing the concerns of asset metadata, especially copyrights.  I thought some of you would welcome an opportunity to hear from some of those others and what they are working on.
> Leonard

Received on Thursday, 17 June 2021 13:23:46 UTC