Re: Welcome & introductions

Welcome all!

I am Director of Sales Engineering for DirectEmployers Association and Secretary of the Board for HR Open Standards Consortium.  I have been in the HR Industry for 10 years, and software development for 16 years. My background is in User Interface Design and Software Development, but I recently took on a new position leading our Tier 3 Technical Support and Problem Solving team.

I have joined the JDX primarily in my role with HR Open, but there is a lot of overlap with DirectEmployers as well. HR Open’s mission in joining is to broaden the acceptance of HR Standards as a tool for sharing data both with the HR Industry, as well as bridging gaps outside of technology, into education and governmental interaction as well. Data exchange standards provide a way to nurture innovation by allowing technologists to focus on new problems instead of constantly reinventing the wheel when it comes to transferring data. DirectEmployers is focused on making it easier, faster, and cheaper for our member companies to distribute and syndicate their jobs in order to reach more candidates. This goes hand in hand with data exchange.

I look forward to seeing what the JDX can do, especially in driving adoption of standards and opening up the doors of collaboration amongst those that usually see themselves as competition.

I am based out of Indianapolis, IN and I am in the Eastern Time Zone (barely).

Jason Sole
Secretary, Board of Directors, HR Open Standards Consortium (
Director of Sales Engineering, DirectEmployers Association (<>
317-874-9019 (office)
317-431-8146 (cell)

On 3/1/2019 7:31 AM, Phil Barker wrote:

Hello everybody and welcome to the Talent Marketplace Signaling W3C Community Group<> (let's call it TalentSignal for short). This is the public mailing list of the group. Messages here are visible to anyone whether or not they are a member of the group, so this is the best place for us to do our work in the open.

I am Phil Barker, and with backing from colleagues from the Job Data Exchange project (JDX<>) I proposed this community group. As this is a new group, I think that we should wait a short while longer before we start work in earnest so that more people can join the group. But there are a couple of things that I think might be useful to do while we are waiting.

I am going to assume that you have read the official description of the group and know roughly what you have joined up for, but let's get any queries about that sorted out before we start the work. If you have any questions about the purpose of this group please ask them here.

Also, it would be really useful to get some idea about who is in the group. The basic information of name and affiliation is recorded when you join, but I would be interested in a little more about what you hope this group will achieve for you.

I'll start.


I am an independent consultant in the area of technology enhanced learning and information systems for education. I am based in Scotland. I have worked on structured data to describe educational resources and outcomes for some years now, most lately the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative DCMI task group [LRMI<>], the Schema Course Extension community group [Course<>], and the Educational and Occupational Credentials community group [EOCred<>].

I am being paid by the US Chambers of Commerce Foundation to work on TalentSignal in order to widen the scope of what has been achieved through the JDX project. My big-picture hope for all the work in this area is that better expression of job requirements in the same framework as can be used to describe qualifications and educational courses will lead to better articulation of what is required and what is being provided, and to improvements in educational and occupational prospects for individuals.

I hope that this group will be able to further this work by providing guidance on how to use existing terms to describe JobPostings and by proposing small refinements (e.g. improved definitions) to existing relevant types where we identify that they are needed. Where improved signaling cannot otherwise be achieved we can suggest new properties for Of course the final decision on whether anything we do is adopted by rests with the steering group.

Best regards, Phil Barker. <><>

[TalentSignal] <><>
[JDX] <><>
[LRMI] <><>
[Course] <><>
[EOCred] <><>


Phil Barker<>.
CETIS LLP<>: a cooperative consultancy for innovation in education technology.
PJJK Limited<>: technology to enhance learning; information systems for education.

CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered in England number OC399090
PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited company, number SC569282.

Received on Monday, 4 March 2019 13:57:04 UTC