- From: Kis, Zoltan <zoltan.kis@intel.com>
- Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 18:32:02 +0200
- To: "Mandyam, Giridhar" <mandyam@quicinc.com>, "public-sysapps@w3.org" <public-sysapps@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CANrNqUd_gXuGAS-jmxuvDn62_Z+sJ-4oe1t8j8GGsBSd_-dVtA@mail.gmail.com>
Hello Giri, On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 5:19 PM, Mandyam, Giridhar <mandyam@quicinc.com>wrote: > As I agreed to do at the last F2F (during the November 2013 TPAC), I > conducted a review of the Telephony API with the internal Firefox OS team > within Qualcomm. Hope this is of use to the group. > > -Giri Mandyam, Qualcomm Innovation Center > ------------------------------------------------------- > > The version of the API we reviewed is at > http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/telephony/. > > Thank you very much for the review. This is really welcome. Some answers below. Before I file issues, we could try to clarify the problems signaled below. In the scope of this discussion, I assume the use case has not changed, and the Telephony API serves for writing dialers. > General comments: > > 1. Concurrency (data/voice) is not a given - there are several > situations where an incoming voice call will interrupt a data session. > There should be a system event for an incoming voice call that any > application could leverage. > True. There is a Note and an issue on this. I believe this event belongs to the API which will own the data session, and not to Telephony. > > 2. The current API does not handle CDMA (IS-41) conference calling > adequately. {This is recognized by the spec editors and was discussed > during the Toronto Working Group F2F last year). > I think the API does not need to match 1:1 the CDMA 3-way calling spec. It is enough if the API implementation permits the users of this API to handle CDMA 3-way calls. Clients should be aware of the service they are working with, and adapt dialer behavior accordingly. In more detail, see below. > > Specific comments: > > 1. Hide caller ID ( > http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/telephony/#widl-DialOptions-hideCallerId) > would be better handled via an MMI code rather than an API call. > The implementation of the API call could use MMI, but using MMI directly would be rather user-unfriendly. With the API, the caller id can be hidden per each call. If the API cannot be implemented on a given platform, an error condition could be signaled. There is a new API proposal that returns a Promise from a dial(). I will update that and send an update. > > 2. Change default service ( > http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/telephony/#widl-TelephonyManager-changeDefaultService-Promise-DOMString-serviceId). > Why is this in the TAPI? It would be better handled in a settings > API/settings app. This is not something that is typically controlled > through the RIL. > The current design of the API comes from the original B2G which did not support multiple SIM. The way it is supported now is to be backward-compatible with the old API, and add optional serviceId for those methods that can work on different telephony services. If the serviceId is not specified, the a default one is used. This is described in the spec. If it is exposed in a settings API, it still belongs to Telephony domain, including permissions. Implementations will want to keep relevant functionality in one place, because the special latency requirements of telephony middleware. > > 3. Service change events ( > http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/telephony/#widl-TelephonyManager-onserviceadded). > Why is this in the TAPI? This is also not something that is typically > propagated through the RIL. > If a new modem or SIM appears, the dialer app will definitely want to know about it. Both telephony middleware we use support this. > > 4. Call states (http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/telephony/#call-states): > dialing, active, incoming, waiting, held and disconnected can be > supported. The other states cannot. > No problem. This has been discussed. The spec defines the space of allowed/possible states, but the implementation follows the states as reported by the network. > > 5. Call redirect ( > http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/telephony/#the-redirect-method) and > transfer (http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/telephony/#the-transfer-method) > would be better handled via MMI codes. > For the general policy settings, yes. For in-call redirection, the API is better. > > 6. Current TelephonyCall ( > http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/telephony/#telephonycall-interface) does > not have hold and disconnect (end) methods. Is this intentional? > It is defined in http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/telephony/#callhandler-interface The CallHandler is used for specifying the common properties of TelephonyCall and ConferenceCall (both implement CallHandler). This is pretty clearly described in the spec. > 7. createConference ( > http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/telephony/#widl-TelephonyCall-createConference-ConferenceCall) > method is fine for CDMA, but the returned ConferenceCall object will not > have information on the dialed parties (at least this information won't be > coming from the RIL). The browser implementation would have to retain this > info. The current ConferenceCall object enumerates the dialed parties > through a TelephonyCall array. > No problem. The implementation will expose the information it can gather, and add what it can. I think we should make a Note about that clients should be aware of such protocol differences. > > 8. conferenceID ( > http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/telephony/#widl-ConferenceCall-conferenceId) > is not obtainable through the RIL. Is this going to be assigned by the > User Agent? > Yes. The spec states that mapping between conferenceId and network identification(s) of the conf call is maintained by the UA. > > 9. Conference call states ( > http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/telephony/#widl-ConferenceCall-onparticipantadded) > - held, active, disconnected can be supported. The other states cannot. > > As above, no problem. The actual set of states will be what the network reports and the MW exposes. I hope this clarifies some of the concerns . Please tell if there are remaining problems, and feel free to file issues - or just reply here and I will do it. Best regards, Zoltan
Received on Thursday, 6 February 2014 16:32:31 UTC