Re: About Telephony API

Hi Anton,

Thank you for the interest in the Telephony API.

On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Anton Tveretin <> wrote:
> I think telephony API should be something different.

Please feel free to make a proposal, handling the existing use cases
of the API, plus the use cases you would like to add.
Or just add use cases. Any of these would be useful.

> I think of a telephony
> program (for a voice/fax modem, or ISDN) or a softphone (for VoIP), which
> uses scripts to handle incoming calls. It may process calls automatically

As far as I understand these are exactly the use cases for the
Telephony API, adherent to existing telephony standards.
In this version, voice call control is in the scope.

> (e.g. receive faxes or files, or implement voice mail) or reject them, using
> caller, nature of the call, subject etc.

When it comes to extra interfaces, the spec has been designed so that
we can later include other than voice interfaces, too.
Also, the API could already be creatively used for implementing other
than usual user interactions on telephony events.

Again, feel free to propose extensions, or alternative designs - these
would illustrate your point more accurately.

> Maybe I shouldn't address to this WG, as the thing is unrelated to the Web
> and W3C.

Given the scope you depicted above (scripted handling of call events),
I understood the thing actually was related to the Web and W3C. For
clarifying the scope, please provide use cases and/or proposals :).

> Obviously, such API must be fairly extended (Microsoft TAPI 2.2 is somewhat
> closer), with many call attributes, states, and methodes.

This, or a related API can (and hopefully will) be extended to support
all GSM/CDMA/(and later VoLTE, SIP, XMPP) features needed, and which
are not visible yet in the API. As an example where future development
may lead, see
There have been many modem and telephony middleware implementations
the editors have considered during the API design, so more specific
questions may help clarifying where do you perceive having gaps in the

> Also, I know there are PBXes that allow some kind of call control, but no
> common API.

Could you elaborate more on this point?

Best regards,

> Sincerely yours, Anton Tveretin

Received on Friday, 13 September 2013 22:13:58 UTC