[W3C SysApps]: App Management API


This is an input to the discussion on "App Model for the Open Web in SysApps WG aspect" at the TPAC Monday afternoon session.

Based on earlier discussions and the uncertainty on which parts of the Runtime and Security model that should be standardized I suggest that an "App Management API" should be standardized:

*        Use cases are for example:

- web based marketplace / app installer
- company portal
- web based home screen (application dashboard)

*        We already have a draft for an "App Management API" in the old Runtime and Security specification, http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/runtime/#application-management.

*        I can see the following alternatives for this API:

o   App Management API as a separate specification

o   App Management API as a section in a potential "re-opened" runtime and security specification

o   App Management API as an extension to the Life Cycle and Event specification, http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/app-lifecycle/#widl-ServiceWorkerScope-taskScheduler

Best regards


Claes Nilsson M.Sc.E.E
Master Engineer - Web Research
Advanced Application Labs

Sony Mobile Communications
Tel: +46 705 56 68 78


Received on Wednesday, 6 November 2013 11:57:16 UTC