[sysapps/runtime] cross origin XHR in packaged apps

Hi SysApps,

I'd like to discuss about supporting cross-origin XHR in packaged apps.

*Problem statement*
In current runtime proposal, local resources in a packaged app have "app://"
based origin, and every XHR request to http/https url will initiate a cross
origin XHR. Since most of the servers are not aware of "app://" origin and
even not CORS-enabled, the XHR will simply fail due to same-origin policy.

*Existing approaches*
Firefox OS provides a modified XHR API (new XMLHttpRequest({mozSystem:
true});) to relax same-origin restrictions [1], and Chrome allows Extensions
to specify origin white-listing to by-pass CORS checking [2]. 

In general, it'll be better to reuse existing XHR without modification, and
also better to provide the cross-origin XHR functionality to as many apps as
possible (i.e., not only restricted to "certified" apps).  

Adding a manifest entry (e.g., "allow-origin") to white-list the origins
seems to be a better approach, but the manifest entry should not be
applicable to hosted apps (otherwise it defeats the purpose of CORS). Since
the "app://" origin only makes sense locally to the device, by-passing CORS
checking for local resources also makes sense.  

*Proposed change*
Introduce a new manifest entry (e.g., "allow-origin"), and put additional
description on that to indicate that it's only applicable to local resources
of packaged apps. 

So what's your opinion?

Ming Jin

[1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.gaia/sc-G5prl7D8 
[2] https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/xhr.html 

Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2013 08:52:16 UTC