RE: Alarm API: ignoreTimezone/respectTimezone

Hi All,
Actually I did some experiment today and I asked few coworkers + few my friends (10 people from different teams and companies) what they understand when using timezone: "none", "ignoreTimeZone", "noTimeZone" and "current". 
My conclusions:
- "ignore..." is bad word - this is totally misunderstood (only one person understand it correctly)
- "none" is not intuitive for most of people as they can't understand why to use none in case of TimeZone and how it suppose to work, this is confusing word.
- "current" - current is understood as old meaning of "ignoreTimeZone", so misunderstanding again

What propositions I got was to use instead of "none" (spec ignoreTimeZone meaning):
- update (which is confusing as Mounir mentioned previously)
- any (10% propositions)
- auto (70% propositions)
- local (20% propositions)

I believe "current" and "none" might be misunderstood as in case of "ignore" and "respect" (at least from my experiment). However I do not have better names, using "local" and "auto" is as confusing as "none" for me. Therefore going with "none" seems best solution for me at the moment however I'm not fully satisfied.

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcos Caceres [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 6:42 PM
To: Marta Pawlowska
Cc: Mounir Lamouri;
Subject: Re: Alarm API: ignoreTimezone/respectTimezone

On Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Marta Pawlowska wrote:

> Hello Mounir,
> I would like to add my 2 cents...
> 1. ScheduleTask object
> I like this idea most, however I would add default timezone identifier (I agree with Marcos here). I understand that we want to make sure that developers will think about their intentions, but it might be inconvenient/irritating, especially if in most cases they will use current timezone. Moreover I would like to change timezone identifiers names: "current" to "CurrentTimeZone" and "none" to "ignoreTimeZoneChanges" (I prefer to use "ingnore...Changes" over "no..." or "none" since it would be self-explanatory to me).

IMO, if we do get agreement to go optional, it would be nice to have this as:

{timezone: timezone | none | current }  

Less typing and legible (and no need for uppercase letters) - I also like none, because it's a nice carry over from CSS. So, some examples:

new ScheduledTask(date, {timezone: "GMT+1"});

var props = {timezone: "PST", data: {...}}
new ScheduledTask(date, props);

new ScheduledTask(date, {timezone: "none"});

and so on…  

Received on Wednesday, 5 June 2013 07:50:13 UTC