I just read through some Phase I API spec and found there is a duplicated definition for DOMRequest.
In Runtime Model spec, the DOMRequest is defined for an ongoing operation, see [1]. And I also see the similar stuff in the Contact API spec, it defines a ContactsRequest for the almost same purpose but with different interface name, see [2] . You may already notice that the readyState vaule in ContactsRequest is different from that in DOMRequest.
My concern is, would we unify the DOMRequest definitions and requires that all ongoing operation returns a DOMRequest object? In that case, it would make Web developer more happier since they have a consistent returning object for ongoing operation.
[1] http://runtime.sysapps.org/#idl-def-DOMRequest<http://runtime.sysapps.org/>
[2] http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/contacts-manager-api/#contactsrequest-interface<http://www.w3.org/2012/sysapps/contacts-manager-api/>