Re: on Messaging

Hi Eduardo,

> Fine not to reserve the broad navigator.messaging namespace, but I would go for something that encompasses both SMS and MMS. In most cases these two technologies are handled together by a single client so it makes sense to deal with them with a single manager. For instance to be able to search for SMS and MMS in a single request. I note that your proposal [1], if I understand it correctly, does not allow for that, as the find method is specific to a service.

You are right, the present proposal does not support it - because I
have removed it thinking that people would not like a unified
messaging search since it's overlapping with generic database
territory :). I had multiple solutions for it, but with the current
style there are 2 ways we could support it:
- from the Messaging object using an additional unified
MessagingService attribute (more complex)
- from the Messaging object using an additional LiveSearch or
LiveModel attribute (simpler).

The difficulty with Messaging is that it can be done in so many ways,
and it's easy to go into subjective with the discussion...that's why I
think we should sit down and talk through the use cases, make some
decisions on simple patterns and define the interface based on those
agreements. I am sure we can some up with a spec that is good for the
simpler use cases now, and is extensible enough for those who want
more functionality.

Best regards,

Received on Thursday, 31 January 2013 18:23:58 UTC