Re: [Messaging API based on webinos]

On 03.01.2013 16:27, JOSE MANUEL CANTERA FONSECA wrote:
> Along the lines of these discussions I was wondering if it really makes
> sense to have a unique (one to rule them all) API for messaging or to
> have  different APIs for different messaging protocols and technologies.
> The more I think on the issue the more I'm convinced that it is a better
> idea to have separate specs.

The main reason for having them all in a single spec is consistency.

There are a fair number of common features and if messaging gets split
in different APIs, there is the risk that (more or less subtle)
inconsistencies creep in.

I'd be happier with keeping a common Messaging API and allowing
subsets for the individual messaging types (which should allow
for easier testing, development and implementing) than with
different API specifications.

Christian Fuhrhop
Fraunhofer FOKUS

Received on Thursday, 3 January 2013 15:37:31 UTC