New Drafting of System Setting API

Hi All,

I've started to make a draft of System Setting API as planned 2nd phase API.

I was referenced to Firefox's System Setting API and Tizen's System Setting API.

I hope it could be a draft document of System Setting API when we will starting the next phase API works.

I hope also someone to join the co-editor for this work.

Best Regards,
전종홍(Jonathan Jeon)
Principle Member of Research Staff
ETRI, Protocol Engineering Center
161 Kajong-Dong,Yusong-Gu, Daejeon, 305-350, South Korea
Voice  : +82-42-860-5333<tel:+82-42-860-5333>,  FAX: +82-42-861-5404<tel:+82-42-861-5404>

Received on Wednesday, 28 August 2013 15:19:41 UTC