Toronto F2F agenda


I just put a proposal for an agenda in the wiki:

As you can see, this agenda is quite different from the previous F2F. I
would like to reduce the time we spend on each specification and instead
of going trough many details, I think it would be great if, for every
specifications, we do a status update and discuss the currently
outstanding issues. Ideally, members should have prepared questions and
issues to raise, already filed in the specification bug tracker.

You will see an item named "DataStore API". During the last F2F, Mozilla
expressed concerns about the Messaging and Contacts API exposing data
that could be updated and wanted a generic way to handle that sort of
problems. This API is solving this issues as far as Mozilla is
concerned. I will make sure to send documentation about this API before
the F2F.

On Wednesday afternoon, I would like the group to split into two parts
that will work on different APIs. That will allow the members to go into
detailed discussions on some APIs, solve issues and get things done.
This is an experiment and depending on how it goes, we might do that
with more groups or a longer period next time.

Finally, there will be a F2F dinner on Wednesday. I will send more
information about this in another email.

Please, let me know if you have any comment.


Received on Tuesday, 20 August 2013 18:34:30 UTC