joint work with WebApps WG on Manifest

This to bring an issue [1] to the full SysApps WG mailing list.

The SysApps and WebApps working groups both have an interest in 
standardizing a JSON based manifest format for apps.

The requirements for manifests for packaged and hosted apps overlap 
significantly, and presumably app developers would like to minimise 
differences in the manifest formats for packaged and hosted apps.

This has been discussed at the recent SysApps Face to Face meeting [2], 
and separately by WebApps [3].

Here are some possibilities:

a. one of the two groups takes full ownership of the
    manifest format for both packaged and hosted apps

b. one group standardizes the manifest format and the
    other group standardizes extensions to that format
    as necessary for their own use cases

c. there is a joint task force involving both groups
    that standardizes a single specification covering
    the use cases for both working groups

Whichever approach is adopted, both groups will need to liaise 
carefully. If we go the Task Force route, we would have a new mailing 
list and an area on the wiki. That is trivial to set up.

At the SysApps face to face we resolved to propose to create a TF to the 
WebApps F2F for the runtime work. However, following the recent 
discussion in WebApps WG, it seems that WebApps WG is willing to take on 
full ownership and to drive the spec to W3C Recommendation for both 
packaged and hosted apps. Presumably, this includes covering any SysApps 
requirements in relation to the security and runtime model.

We now need to take a decision on how to move forward.


Dave Raggett <>

Received on Friday, 26 April 2013 09:44:20 UTC