Re: change proposal for Telephony API

Hsin.Yi made very good points below. I think the current proposal with two
Telephony-realted objects in navigator is weird. If we go forward with
multiple objects let's do it consistently


El 18/04/13 10:58, "Hsin-Yi Tsai" <> escribi¨®:

>Hi Zoltan,
>I am not sure I got a clear difference between the interfaces
>TelephonyManager and TelephonyService. I am a little confused at the
>purpose and definition of TelephonyManager in this proposal. For
>example, I am wondering shouldn't onincoming and oncallschanged be
>exposed on TelephonyService since we can't receive any calls without
>telephony service, and since you propose a separate API for that
>service. It seems not intuitive to me that we use TelephonyService to
>make an outgoing call but receive incoming calls via TelephonyManager.
>Also, shouldn't each telephony service contain its calls?
>In this proposal navigator.telephony is 'active' telephony service
>according to the comment. It looks not so right to me because there
>could be more than 1 active service at that same time. Isn't it? Or
>please let me know if I misunderstood something. Thanks!
>Best regards,
>On 2013Äê04ÔÂ17ÈÕ 22:13, Kis, Zoltan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Here is an alternative way to do Telephony, compatible with the
>> previous version, but cleaner, better aligned with how telephony
>> works, more extensible, and also aligned with the Messaging API.
>> I kindly ask for comments at least from the persons named in the To
>>field :).
>> In the current API we support multiple services, but they are not
>> exposed as objects.
>> Only the serviceId's can be seen, and specified as parameters for
>> methods like dial(), sendTones(), startTone(), stopTone(), and also
>> for errors (e.g. on which service the error occured).
>> Also, there were requests to support telephony services (like network
>> selection, SIM info, call barring, call forwarding, USSD, etc) in
>> Phase 2, the TelephonyService objects will likely be exposed in the
>> API, but of course documented in a separate specification.
>> The proposal here is to encapsulate the telephony service specific
>> methods and error handling to service objects (just like with
>> messaging), and expose the default service on the navigator object,
>> along with the telephony manager object.
>> This keeps the example unchanged:
>> var telCall = navigator.telephony.dial('+1234567890');
>> This design could also be applied to Messaging (in a separate email,
>> later, eventually), by exposing an active/default service for sms,
>> mms, (im, email) and the messagingManager.
>> For comparison, the current design can be seen at
>> .
>> The WebIDL for the alternative proposal is here:
>> ======================
>> partial interface Navigator {
>>      readonly attribute TelephonyManager telephonyManager;
>>      attribute TelephonyService telephony; // active telephony service
>> };
>> [NoInterfaceObject]
>> interface TelephonyManager : EventTarget {
>>      readonly attribute CallHandler?  activeCall;
>>      readonly attribute CallHandler[] calls;
>>      readonly attribute TelephonyService[] services;
>>      attribute EventHandler onincoming; // for incoming and waiting
>>      attribute EventHandler oncallschanged;
>>      attribute EventHandler onserviceadded;
>>      attribute EventHandler onserviceremoved;
>> };
>> [NoInterfaceObject]
>> interface TelephonyService : EventTarget {
>>      readonly attribute DOMString serviceId;
>>                   attribute DOMString displayName; // to be shown in a
>>                   attribute boolean  enabled;
>>      readonly attribute DOMString provider;
>>      readonly attribute DOMString type;
>>      readonly attribute DOMError  error;
>>      readonly attribute DOMString[] emergencyNumbers;
>>      attribute EventHandler onerror;
>>      TelephonyCall dial(DOMString remoteParty, optional DialParams
>>      TelephonyCall dialEmergency();
>>      void sendTones(DOMString tones, optional ToneParams params);
>>      void startTone(DOMString tone);
>>      void stopTone();
>> };
>> [NoInterfaceObject]
>> interface TelephonyEvent : Event {
>>      readonly attribute TelephonyCall call;
>> };
>> [NoInterfaceObject]
>> interface TelephonyServiceEvent : Event {
>>      readonly attribute TelephonyService service;
>> };
>> dictionary ToneParams {
>>      unsigned long duration;
>>      unsigned long gap;
>> };
>> dictionary DialParams {
>>      boolean hideCallerId;
>>      // later: e.g. video related settings
>> };
>> ======================
>> An example on how cellular services could be implemented in Phase 2
>> (shown here in order to demonstrate forward compatibility):
>> interface CellularService : TelephonyService {
>>      // telephony service (provider + SIM + modem) related interfaces
>>      // if an interface is not supported, the property is null
>>      readonly attribute SimInfo?                 siminfo; // IMSI, MCC,
>>MNC, ...
>>      readonly attribute SimSettings?          simsettings; //PIN, PUK,
>>      readonly attribute SimToolkit?             simtoolkit;
>>      readonly attribute TelephonyNetwork? network;
>>      readonly attribute CallForwarding?      forwarding;
>>      readonly attribute CallBarring?            barring;
>>      readonly attribute CallMeters?            meters; // costs
>>      readonly attribute USSD?                  ussd; // USSD, ...
>>      // further extensible
>> };
>> Note that this proposal is independent from how conference calls are
>> Best regards,
>> Zoltan
>Hsin-Yi Tsai ²ÌÐÀÒË
>Mozilla Taiwan
>T: +886-2-87861100 ext:312


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