Re: What is the purpose of 'appcache_path' field?


I'm also still not comfortable on this point, partly because it means one only appcache file per app / package

The appcache manifest, when defined per page as via the html manifest attribute ( allows more modular handling of the appcache properties of a web application.

Not all Web applications, even mobile ones, are single page applications. Think a page as an application interface module.

If we might fix the issue by replacing the string format by

1 - an array of objects as

appcache_paths: [
    {"page": "/main.html", "manifest": "/main.appcache"},
    {"page": "/special.html", "manifest": "/special.appcache"}

2 - a object in which the keys are the page paths

appcache_paths: {
    "/main.html": "/main.appcache",
    "/special.html": "/special.appcache"

I still have issues when working on an interface organized as a git submodule:
- any update to this application module will have to be pushed to the manifest of the main application repository;
- such updates will have to take care of the main web app repository merges
- the module is definitely not testable in standalone mode

Worst, if this git submodule is used by different web apps, it becomes hard  to push updates to all apps using it.

On 22 avr. 2013, at 14:33, Min, Hongbo wrote:


I noticed that the manifest JSON is also providing an ‘appcache_path’ member. I am wondering its purpose since web app can specify the appcache manifest URL in the web page like:

<html manifest=”example.appcache”>

Why not use the manifest attribute in html tag and re-invent a new one?


Alexandre Morgaut
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Received on Monday, 22 April 2013 16:02:09 UTC