- From: Ke-Fong Lin <ke-fong.lin@4d.com>
- Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 23:39:19 +0200
- To: "Nilsson, Claes1" <Claes1.Nilsson@sonymobile.com>, "public-sysapps@w3.org" <public-sysapps@w3.org>
- CC: "Isberg, Anders" <Anders.Isberg@sonymobile.com>, "Edenbrandt, Anders" <Anders.Edenbrandt@sonymobile.com>, "Isaksson, Björn" <Bjorn.Isaksson@sonymobile.com>, "Falk, Mattias" <Mattias.Falk@sonymobile.com>
Hi Claes, [Claes] Yes, setting up a secure transport channel is more complicated. Compare for example with http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/net/ssl/SSLSocket.html. We have to consider what we need for web system apps. Do you have a tangible proposal for how this would look like in our API? Not yet, that would require some more thinking : what the different SSL/TLS versions offer, use cases to target, and how to set things up. If that's ok for you and W3C, I wouldn't mind being a co-editor on this spec and do that. My management should be ok (they want to get more involved with W3C) about that (still I would need to confirm that). For examples, we may look at NodeJS : http://www.nodejs.org/api/tls.html It's pretty basic but does the work. It has been in production use for at least 2 years and the API didn't change much. For Wakanda, we implemented a compatible API, with just the client connection part, and it works pretty well (SMTP or POP). None of our customers requested more. Also, it's not just about secured TCP, we may also take look at what Microsoft did for Windows 8 programming using JavaScript : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/windows.networking.sockets.streamsocket.upgradetosslasync.aspx I've just taken a quick glance and they seemed to have done a solid job. They pretty much implement all the functionalities for both UDP and TCP. [Claes] There are use cases for secure transport over UDP but I'll investigate that and will come back. You can always exchange "symmetric" keys using SSL TCP sockets and then use them to encrypt/decrypt (ArrayBuffer of) UDP packets. [Claes] That means a synchronous method halfClose(). I agree with Jonas that we should add a state "halfclosed". Using a separate attribute to indicate this state seems inconsistent. So the steps executed by the UA when halfClose() is called would be: * Half close the connection (send FIN) and set the readyState attribute to "halfclosed". Ok, sold! Regards, Ke-Fong Lin Développeur Senior 4D SAS 60, rue d'Alsace 92110 Clichy France Standard : Email : Ke-Fong.Lin@4d.com Web : www.4D.com
Received on Thursday, 11 April 2013 21:37:00 UTC