Re: Why unhandled System Messages wait in queue

On 25/03/13 14:32, Janusz Majnert wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a question regarding the System Messages. Why should unhandled
> messages wait in queue?

The main use case of System Messages is when you want to send some kind
of message/event to an application and make sure the application
receives it. For that, you have to make sure to start the application
before sending the message.

You could then fire a simple DOM Event but as soon as a DOM Event is
fired, if you didn't handle it, you will not be able to handle it later
so you need to make very clear *when* the DOM Event will have to be
fired otherwise, you will create potential race conditions.
Unfortunately, in a page load, there is no clear and simple moment to
fire an event. After 'load' is terribly risky because some load (like an
external image) might dramatically delay the event.

This is why we created System Messages which are events that stay in a
queue and will then be dispatched when needed so a page can set the
handler at any time knowing that if the event already fired, the handler
will be executed.

Does that make more sense?


Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2013 15:31:02 UTC