submitted SysApps WG Charter to W3M

Just to let you know that I have submitted the SysApps working group
charter to W3C Management for approval for initiating the Advisory
Committee Review by W3C Members.

Before doing so, I updated the charter to reflect Adam's suggestions for
phase 1 and 2, adding back System Settings and the Network Interface
APIs as requested on the list. I also added for the possibility of
including some directly associated APIs to the deliverables on the
execution model and security model. This is in response to the
discussion on the close relationship between the execution model and the
Application API. In any case, the charter allows us to split things and
up and move them around should we find that necessary.

Our CEO is away this week, so there is a risk of a delay in the
decision, but that should only be a few days.

Dave Raggett <>

Received on Monday, 25 June 2012 16:07:56 UTC