RE: W3M question on charter

+1 on mentioning a range of possible inputs like these.

It's going to be a discussion topic for the wg whether there should be a single (restrictive) model like in some of the strawman docs or more a framework with more flexibility. 

>-----Original Message-----
>From: John Lyle []
>Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 9:49 AM
>Subject: Re: W3M question on charter
>On 03/07/12 10:41, Adam Barth wrote:
>> Boot2Gecko also has a security model document:

>> SysApps are likely to be a slice of that model (in the sense that
>> traditional web apps are also a slice), but it's likely something
>> worth considering as well.
>Dear all,
>While we are discussing related security models, it might also be worth
>considering some of the following as input:
>* The WAC core security specifications [1]
>* The BONDI App Security Framework [2]
>* Chrome extensions security model and permissions [3,4]
>* The webinos security model (currently being updated) [5]
>* The Widgets security model landscape analysis from 2008[6]
>* The security controls introduced by 'Gibraltar' as per this paper [7]
>I'm working on an analysis of these (and more) as part of the webinos project.  So
>far, all I've done is create a list of links and relevant related work, which you can
>find at [8].  I hope it will be helpful for this working group when it is finished.  I
>would very much appreciate suggestions or comments.
>Best regards,








>John Lyle
>Research Assistant
>Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford


Received on Thursday, 5 July 2012 17:09:32 UTC