Experiments with WebVTT

Hi all,

I’ve been experimenting with WebVTT instead of SMIL as a synchronization format for a book with HTML text and audio narration.

Here is a link to a recent prototype I made, showing a book that has been transformed via custom conversion script from EPUB into plain HTML/CSS/JS:
https://daisy.github.io/accessible-books-on-the-web/demos/moby-dick/chapter_001.html <https://daisy.github.io/accessible-books-on-the-web/demos/moby-dick/chapter_001.html>

In it, there’s a WebVTT track attached to an audio element:

<audio src="audio/chapter_001.mp3" controls="" id="abotw-audio”>
    <track default="" kind="metadata" src="vtt/chapter_001.vtt">

And because this is a metadata track, the VTT file’s contents aren’t displayed as captions, just delivered as payload to the cue event handlers. One example of a cue in the VTT file is:

00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:04.833
  "action”: {
      "name”: "addCssClass”,
      "data”: "sync-highlight”
    "selector”: {
      "type”: "FragmentSelector”,
      "value”: “c01h01"

Comparing this approach to what we’ve been considering already (which is to extend SMIL [1]), I notice the following:

- Requirements on the audio files become more strict with WebVTT. There’s no way to say (without a chunk of custom scripting) that you want to play 10s from audio-1.mp3 and then 20s from audio-2.mp3 and then back to audio-1. You just play a file, start to end (or media fragment offset to media fragment offset).

- There are no structuring options for WebVTT, so any structural navigation (e.g. “escapability”, which is exiting narration of complex structures and returning to the main content flow) becomes entirely DOM-based with no parallel conveniences in the audio narration layer. I don’t think this is necessarily a negative thing.

- Implementation of WebVTT-based highlighting using the TextTrack API is very easy, vs SMIL.

- Unlike SyncMedia, WebVTT is not a drop-in replacement for Media Overlays. At least not without some packaging rules.

Anyway, just wanted to share. Discussion welcome! 


1. https://w3c.github.io/sync-media-pub/sync-media.html <https://w3c.github.io/sync-media-pub/sync-media.html>

Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2021 21:05:55 UTC