Web service composition

Dear list, 

I have been confused when I read papers about web service composition using Golog, HTN (SHOP2) and classical AI planning.
Can someone tell me the difference of these techniques' principles? 
Does classical AI planning construct a plan by assembling the available actions ? (bottom-up method?) 
When using Golog and HTN, should we  write a  generic procedure or workflow  first?  then  the  planners  search the actions for the procedure and implement it? (top-down method?)
Thank you for any help.

With best regards.

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Dear list, <br><br>I have been confused when I read papers about web service composition using Golog, HTN (SHOP2) and classical AI planning.<br>Can someone tell me the difference of these techniques' principles? <br>Does classical AI planning construct a plan by assembling the available actions ? (bottom-up method?) <br>When using Golog and HTN, should we  write a&nbsp; generic procedure or workflow&nbsp; first?&nbsp; then&nbsp; the&nbsp; planners&nbsp; search the actions for the procedure and implement it? (top-down method?)<br>&nbsp;<br>Thank you for any help.<br><br>With best regards.<br><br>Figo<br> <p>&#32;

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Received on Wednesday, 12 March 2008 20:27:35 UTC