- From: Joerg Hoffmann <joerg.hoffmann@deri.at>
- Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 13:08:40 +0100
- To: ISWORLD@listserv.heanet.ie, WI@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, acl@opus.cs.columbia.edu, agentcities@fipa.org, agents@cs.umbc.edu, ai-sges@jiscmail.ac.uk, aiia@dis.uniroma1.it, aila@disi.unige.it, aisb@cogs.sussex.ac.uk, bull_i3@univ-tln.fr, cadeinc@cs.albany.edu, cg@cs.uah.edu, chat@fipa.org, cl-adverts@spock.inf.tu-dresden.de, cl@philebus.tamu.edu, cladv@iccl.tu, colibri@let.uu.nl, colognet-all@janeway.inf.tu-dresden.de, colognet@ucy.ac.cy, community@mlnet.org, compulog@doc.imperial.ac.uk, compulognet-parimp@dia.fi.upm.es, dai-list@ece.sc.edu, daml-all@daml.org, dbitaly@dia.uniroma3.it, dbworld@cs.wisc.edu, dip-all@lists.deri.org, discussion@agentcities.org, dl@dl.kr.org, dotkom-project@dcs.shef.ac.uk, e-eu-contact@dfki.de, eccaiwww@eccai.org, ecoop-info@ecoop.org, editor@agentlink.org, editor@knowledgeboard.com, elsnet-list@elsnet.org, epontell@cs.nmsu.edu, esap-news@disputatio.com, esperonto_all@isoco.com, event@in.tu-clausthal.de, fg-db@informatik.uni-rostock.de, fgcscw@uni-koblenz.de, folli@coli.uni-sb.de, glp@first.fhg.de, grin@di.unipi.it, gulp@dimi.uniud.it, vr@metropolis.sci.univr.it, kaw@swi.psy.uva.nl, kif@philebus.tamu.edu, kr2004org@it.uts.edu.au, kweb-all@lists.deri.org, loom-forum@isi.edu, news-announce-conferences@uunet.uu.net, noe_interop@drimm.u-bordeaux1.fr, nkos-l@oclc.org, ontology@fipa.org, ontoweb-language-sig@cs.man.ac.uk, project@aktors.org, public-sws-ig@w3.org, public-owl-dev@w3.org, rewerse-all@rewerse.net, semantic-web@w3.org, semanticweb@yahoogroups.com, seweb-list@cs.vu.nl, seweb-list@www2-c703.uibk.ac.at, sw-announce@semanticplanet.com, sw-ergo@gui-design.de, swws-list@isoco.com, taboo-list@deis.unibo.it, topicmapmail@infoloom.com, wkwi@seda.sowi.uni-bamberg.de, www-rdf-logic@w3.org, www-rdf-rules@w3.org, www-webont-wg@w3.org, www-ws@w3.org, computational.science@lists.OptimaNumerics.com, img@lists.manchester.ac.uk, ontogrid@delicias.dia.fi.upm.es
- CC: Joerg Hoffmann <joerg.hoffmann@deri.at>
Apologies for cross-postings. Please forward this email to anyone interested. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR SYSTEM DEMOS 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC'08) 01 - 05 June 2008 Tenerife (Spain) http://www.eswc2008.org/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIC FACTS: Demo descriptions will be published as part of the ESWC'08 proceedings. 5 pages LNCS in PDF format. Submission via ESWC'08 Demo EasyChair installation at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eswc08demo Submission: January 11, 2008, at 11:59 p.m. Hawaiian Time Notification: February 29, 2008 Camera Ready: March 14, 2008 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ESWC is the leading European Conference on Theory, Practice and Applications of Semantic Web Technologies, constantly attracting a high number of high quality submissions and participants from academia and industry. Besides the research paper and poster tracks, ESWC asks for demonstrations of semantic web systems and applications. This includes applications, demonstrations of innovative technologies or infrastructures that support the deployment of semantic web applications in any area covered by topics of interest for ESWC'08. To submit a demo to ESWC'08, the authors are requested to submit a demo description. The description must be submitted as a PDF file; it must be formatted in LNCS style, and it must be no longer than 5 pages maximum. The demo descriptions will be published as part of the ESWC'08 proceedings. As such, quality assurance will be strict, and the demos will be subject to review by a separate Programme Committee. All demos must show relevance, novelty and significance. The descriptions should contain sections answering the following questions, as appropriate: 1. What is the research background and application context of the demonstration? 2. What is the employed key technology, and how does it relate to pre-existing work? 3. What exactly will be demonstrated? 4. What exactly will a visitor of the demonstration learn? Submission and reviewing of demo descriptions will be electronic via the ESWC'08 Demo EasyChair installation at: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eswc08demo In order to submit, you need to have an EasyChair account. If you do not already have such an account, you can create one by clicking on "I have no EasyChair account". Important Dates Submission: January 11, 2008, at 11:59 p.m. Hawaiian Time Notification: February 29, 2008 Camera Ready: March 14, 2008 ESWC 2008 Demo Chair: Joerg Hoffmann ESWC 2008 Demo Programme Committee: Harith Alani Lora Aroyo Alessandro Artale Abraham Bernstein Leopoldo Bertossi Walter Binder Kalina Bontcheva John Breslin Francois Bry Paul Buitelaar Christoph Bussler Andrea Cali Diego Calvanese Ying Ding Giorgios Flouris Fabien Gandon Nick Gibbins John Goodwin Guido Governatori Mark Greaves Gianluigi Greco Volker Haarslev Nicola Henze Martin Hepp Pascal Hitzler Andreas Hotho Vangelis Karkaletsis Vipul Kashyap Anastasios Kementsietsidis Hak Lae Kim Matthias Klusch Joanne Luciano Wolfgang May Dunja Mladenic Enrico Motta Daniel Oberle Bijan Parsia Terry Payne Axel Polleres Michael Schumacher Elena Simperl Michael Sintek Michael Stollberg Christos Tryfonopoulos Victoria Uren Raphael Volz
Received on Thursday, 10 January 2008 12:10:06 UTC