Call for Papers - 2008 Systemics and Informatics World Congress

Apologies if this is multiple posting.


Call for Papers 


2008 Systemics and Informatics World Congress (SIWN 2008), Glasgow, UK,
22-24 July 2008 


Comprised of the following component Conferences:

- Adaptive Business Systems (ABS 2008) 

- Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Artificial Life (BSBAL 2008) 

- Complex Open Distributed Systems (CODS 2008) 

- Industrial Informatics and Systems Engineering (IISE 2008) 

- Networking, Internet and Mobile Communications (NIMC 2008) 

- Self-organization and Self-management in Computing and Communications
(SSCC 2008) 

- Agent-Oriented Software Development Methodology (AOSDM 2008)


Submission due: 02 April 2008


Best regards.


Prof H Tianfield

General Chair

Received on Thursday, 14 February 2008 17:45:47 UTC