IEEE TASE special issue on "Scientific Workflow Management and Applications"

Call for papers-

Special Issue in IEEE Trans. On Automation Science and Engineering about
"Scientific Workflow Management and Applications" -

Scientific workflow is a new special type of workflow that often underlies
many large-scale complex e-science applications such as climate modeling,
structural biology and chemistry, medical surgery or disaster recovery
simulation. Compared with business workflows, scientific workflow has
special features such as computation, data or transaction intensity, less
human interaction, and a large number of activities.  Some emerging
computing infrastructures such as grid computing with powerful computing and
resource sharing capabilities present the potential for accommodating those
special features.  Currently, many efforts are being on this new workflow
area, and workshops such as WaGe07, WORKS07, and NSF funded workshop on
challenges of scientific workflows have been or are being held to explore
scientific workflow issues.  Gradually, research results are published and
several scientific workflow management systems such as Gridbus workflow,
SwinDeW-G, Kepler and Taverna are developed or evolved from existing
systems.  However, in general, research and development in scientific
workflow management are still in their infancy with obscure knowledge of
scientific workflow specific features and techniques.  This special issue
aims to systematically investigate and shape the special features,
challenges and new techniques of scientific workflows as well as
corresponding applications and underlying computing infrastructures.
Original and unpublished high-quality research results are solicited to
explore and boost the new area.  The topics for contributions include, but
are not limited to:

* Special features of scientific workflows and their hints on new techniques
* Scientific workflow modeling, execution and scheduling
* Formal representation, scientific workflow patterns
* Control flows and data flows in scientific workflows
* Web/grid services based scientific workflows 
* Application programming interface and Graphical user interface
* Scientific workflow verification and validation
* Exception handling, Quality of Service, performance and security issues in
scientific workflows
* Underlying infrastructures targeting scientific workflow support
* Real-world scientific workflow applications

Important Dates
March 31, 2008           Paper submission deadline
July 31, 2008            Completion of the first round review
November 30, 2008        Completion of the second round review
January 15, 2009         Final manuscript due
July 2009                Tentative publication date

Paper Submission
All papers are to be submitted through the Manuscript Central for T-ASE at Please select “Special Issue” under
Manuscript Category of your submission. All manuscripts must be prepared
according to the IEEE T-ASE publication guidelines Papers will be reviewed following the
standard IEEE T-ASE review process. 

Please address inquiries to 

Guest Editors

Jinjun Chen 
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Rajkumar Buyya    
The University of Melbourne, Australia                   

W.M.P. van der Aalst
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands 

Michael Rosemann
Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Bertram Ludäscher 
University of California at Davis, USA

Yun Yang
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia

Carole Goble
University of Manchester, UK

Best wishes,
Dr. Jinjun Chen
Lecturer in Information Technology
CITR - Centre for Information Technology Research
Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies
Swinburne University of Technology,
Hawthorn, Melbourne, Victoria 3122, Australia.
Tel: +61 3 9214 8739
Fax: +61 3 9819 0823
Office: EN508a, Engineering Building, Hawthorn Campus

Received on Friday, 5 October 2007 12:02:18 UTC