Adrian Paschke
Ahmed Ahmed
Alexander Stuckenholz
Christine Golbreich
David Martin
Djoerd Hiemstra
- ACM SIGIR 2007: Hotel rooms to be reduced / Workshop submissions due
- SIGIR 2007 Newsletter for May
- Deadline extension 28 May: SIGIR 2007 workshop on Searching Spontaneous Conversational Speech
- ACM SIGIR 2007, 23-27 July 2007, Amsterdam, Call for Participation
Enrico Franconi
Fernando Carpani - INCO
Gorton, S.M.
Hamid R. Arabnia
IBIS Journal
Jia Hu
- REMINDER: IEEE/WIC/ACM WI 2007: Deadline Approaching
- 2nd CFP: WI 2007 - Due: June 1, 2007
- WI-IAT'07 Workshop Announcement
Jinjun Chen
Jyotishman Pathak
Masahiro Hori
- Semantic Web Challenge CFP (ISWC 2007 + ASWC 2007)
- Semantic Web In Use Track: 2nd CFP (ISWC 2007 + ASWC 2007)
- 2nd Call for Tutorials (ISWC 2007 + ASWC 2007)
Massimo Marchiori
NGWSP Conference
- 1st Call for Ontology Matching Systems Participation: The OAEI'07 campaign
- 1st CFP: The ISWC'07 workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2007)
- Final CfP: CONTEXT'07 workshop on Contexts and Ontologies: Representation and Reasoning (C&O:RR-2007)
Rainer Unland
- CfP 3rd Int. Conf. Self-Organization and Autonomous Systems in Computing and Communications (SOAS 2007): extended firm deadline: 4 June 2007
- Re: [authors] Call for papers -- GSEM2007: Paper submission still open!!!!!
Samir TATA
semantics4ws workshop
- cfp: semantics4ws07 - extended deadline: May 31, 2007
- cfp: semantics4ws'07 | Advances in Semantics for Web services Workshop, Brisbane, Australia