Call for Papers: GI-Days 2007 - Young Researchers Forum

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GI-Days 2007
Young Researchers Forum
September 10-12, 2007

Münster, Germany


GI-Days 2007 will provide a platform for young researchers worldwide to
present their work from all sectors of geographic information science.
The range of topics will be comparable to the well established series of
GIScience conferences, focusing on emerging topics and basic research
GI-Days 2007 will bring together young researchers from the field of
geographic information science. We encourage PhD and Master students as
well as post-docs to submit papers. Participants of GI-Days 2007 will
learn about the diversity of currently ongoing research projects and
receive feedback on their research in a constructive and international

Short papers (max 1000 words) can be submitted to present visionary
ideas, work in progress and preliminary research results, whereas full
papers (max 6000 words) should present substantial results. All papers
will be reviewed by at least three members of the program committee.
Papers must be written and presented in English.

All accepted papers will be published in the ifgiPrints series (with
ISBN). We will ask the authors of the best full papers to submit
extended versions for a special issue in a geographic information
science journal.

We invite you to be part of the up-and-coming generation of geographic
information scientists meeting at GI-Days 2007.

Possible topics include, but are not restricted to:

    * Spatial data infrastructures
    * Geospatial semantic web
    * Geographic information in Web 2.0
    * Geospatial web services
    * Geospatial ontology engineering
    * Semantic annotation of geospatial data sources
    * Similarity and geospatial concept representation
    * Sensor web services and sensor networks
    * Location-based services, mobile and ubiquitous geo-computing
    * Space time analysis and modelling
    * Privacy in information management
    * Algorithms and data structures
    * Functional programming in geo-applications
    * Self-organizing maps
    * Map-algebra services
    * Disaster and risk management
    * Social aspects of geospatial information
    * Dealing with uncertainty in geographic information
    * Cognitive aspects of spatial knowledge


    * How to organize a PhD thesis?
      Hypothesis, methods, management, writing.
    * How does geoinformatics business work?
      Market, players, customers, trends, opportunities.
    * How to organize a research project?
      Fund raising, project proposals, project management.

Senior researchers interested in holding an additional tutorial are
invited to contact us at


Submission deadline for full papers          March 31.
Notification full papers                                 May 7.
Camera-ready full papers                           June 30.

Submission deadline for short papers      May 21.
Notification abstracts                                   June 24.
Camera-ready abstracts                             July 19.


    * Pragya Agarwal              University College London
    * Fernando Bacao             Universidade Nova de Lisboa
    * John Bateman               University of Bremen
    * Jörg Baus                      Saarland University
    * Kate Beard-Tisdale          University of Maine
    * Brandon Bennett            University of Leeds
    * Roderic Bera                  University College London
    * Lars Bernard                   University of Dresden
    * Susanne Boll                  University of Oldenburg
    * Stefano Borgo                Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento
    * Boyan Brodaric               Geological Survey of Canada
    * Gilberto Camara              INPE Brazil
    * Christophe Claramunt       Naval Academy Research Institute
    * Max Craglia                     Joint Research Centre, Ispra
    * Matt Duckham                 University of Melbourne
    * Max Egenhofer                University of Maine
    * Sara Fabrikant                 University of Zurich
    * Fred Fonseca                   Penn State University
    * Andrew Frank                  Technical University of Vienna
    * Christian Freksa               University of Bremen
    * Sven Fuhrmann               Texas State University
    * Mark Gahegan                 Penn State University
    * Chris Gold                      University of Glamorgan
    * Mike Goodchild               University of California, Santa Barbara
    * Francis Harvey                 University of Minnesota
    * Stephan Hirtle                 University of Pittsburgh
    * Piotr Jankowski                San Diego State University
    * Marinos Kavouras            National Technical University of Athens
    * Alexander Klippel            Pennsylvania State University
    * Menno-Jan Kraak            ITC, Enschede
    * Antonio Krüger               University of Münster
    * Werner Kuhn                  University of Münster
    * Lars Kulik                        University of Melbourne
    * Patrick Laube                  University of Auckland
    * Rob Lemmens                 ITC, Enschede
    * Michael Lutz                   Joint Research Centre, Ispra
    * Harvey Miller                   University oif Utah
    * Daniel Montello               University of California, Santa Barbara
    * Marco Painho                 Universidade Nova de Lisboa
    * Edzer Pebesma               University of Utrecht
    * Lutz Plümer                   University of Bonn
    * Hardy Pundt                  Hochschule Harz
    * Martin Raubal                 University of California, Santa Barbara
    * Wolfgang Reinhardt         Universität der Bundeswehr, Munich
    * Femke Reitsma               Edinburgh University
    * Claus Rinner                   Ryerson University, Toronto
    * Andrea Rodriguez            Universidad de Concepción
    * Monika Sester                 University of Hannover
    * Takeshi Shirabe             Technical University of Vienna
    * Kathleen Stewart Hornsby   University of Maine
    * Ulrich Streit                   University of Münster
    * Eleni Tomai                   University of Athens
    * Ignacio Torres               National Autonomous University of Mexico
    * Ubbo Visser                  University of Bremen
    * Agnes Voisard               Fraunhofer ISST and FU Berlin
    * Monica Wachowicz         Wageningen University
    * Stephan Winter             University of Melbourne
    * Mike Worboys               University of Maine
    * Andreas Wytzisk            52° North


General Chair         Eva Klien
Program Chairs      Florian Probst and Carsten Keßler
Tutorial Chair         Jörg Müller
Local Chair             Sven Schade


Early registration until 6th July
Students:     60€
Regular:     160€

Late registration
Students:     90€
Regular:     190€

Tutorials:    15€

Conference fees include:
    * Conference proceedings
    * Coffee and lunches at conference
    * 22 € conference dinner on Monday (drinks not included)
    * Guided city tour on Tuesday

Tutorial fees include:
    * Tutorial materials
    * Coffee breaks


Check for further information. Please address all
correspondence to
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